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Magic Jewels[15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage]

Magic Jewels[15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage]

Sale [+15% Increased Attack Speed]
Sale [+10-12 to Maximum Damage]
Magic Jewels
[15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage]


Price 3.77 USD

What Is Magic Jewels [15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Magic Jewels with the affix "[15% Increased Attack Speed (IAS) & 10-12 Maximum Damage]" are a type of diablo 2 resurrected items that can be socketed into gear to provide bonuses to a character's attack speed and damage output.

When inserted into a socketed item, a Magic Jewel with the "[15% IAS & 10-12 Max Damage]" affix will provide the following bonuses:

  • +15% Increased Attack Speed (IAS): This bonus increases the rate at which a character attacks, allowing them to deal more damage over a given period of time.

  • +10-12 Maximum Damage: This bonus increases the maximum amount of damage that a character can deal with their attacks.

These jewels are particularly useful for characters who rely on physical attacks and need to deal damage quickly.

It's worth noting that Magic Jewels with other affixes also exist in the game, providing different bonuses to the character's stats and abilities. Players can collect and trade different types of Magic Jewels to create custom builds that suit their playstyle and preferences.

What Are the Most Popular/Hottest Build for Magic Jewels [15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] in D2R?

Magic Jewels with the affix "[15% Increased Attack Speed (IAS) & 10-12 Maximum Damage]" are a versatile item in Diablo 2 Resurrected that can be used effectively by a number of different character classes and builds. However, they are most commonly used by characters who rely on physical attacks to defeat enemies, such as Barbarians, Amazons, and Assassins.

The most popular/hottest builds for Magic Jewels [15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] in D2R include:

  • Whirlwind Barbarian: This build utilizes the Barbarian's Whirlwind skill to deal high physical damage to enemies. The character uses two one-handed weapons, such as swords or axes, socketed with Magic Jewels [15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] to increase their attack speed and damage output. The build also typically invests heavily in Strength and Vitality to increase the Barbarian's damage output and survivability.

  • Bowazon: This build utilizes the Amazon's ranged attacks to deal high physical damage to enemies. The character uses a powerful bow socketed with Magic Jewels [15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] to increase their attack speed and damage output. The build also typically invests heavily in Dexterity and Vitality to increase the Amazon's damage output and survivability.

  • Kicksin: This build utilizes the Assassin's kicks and traps to deal high physical damage to enemies. The character uses boots socketed with Magic Jewels [15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] to increase their attack speed and damage output. The build also typically invests heavily in Strength and Dexterity to increase the Assassin's damage output and accuracy.

What Are the Purposes for Using the Magic Jewels [15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage]?

The Magic Jewels with the affix "[15% Increased Attack Speed (IAS) & 10-12 Maximum Damage]" are used in Diablo 2 Resurrected to provide several advantages to the character who equips them. Some of the main purposes of using these jewels include:

  • Increased Attack Speed: The "+15% Increased Attack Speed (IAS)" affix on the jewel increases the rate at which a character attacks, allowing them to deal more damage over a given period of time. This is particularly useful for physical damage dealers who rely on dealing high damage to defeat enemies quickly.

  • Increased Damage: The "10-12 Maximum Damage" affix on the jewel increases the maximum amount of damage that a character can deal with their attacks. This can be particularly useful for characters who rely on physical attacks and need to deal damage quickly.

  • Socketing: Magic Jewels with the "[15% IAS & 10-12 Max Damage]" affix can be inserted into socketed items, providing a significant boost to the character's attack speed and damage output stats. This allows players to customize their characters according to their playstyle and preferences.

  • Trading: Magic Jewels with desirable affixes such as "[15% IAS & 10-12 Max Damage]" can be traded with other players for valuable items, providing a means of acquiring new gear and improving the character's overall combat effectiveness.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Magic Jewels[15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Magic Jewels[15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Magic Jewels[15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] are ranged from 3.77USD to 8.63USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Magic Jewels[15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Magic Jewels[15%ias & 10-12 Max Damage] is priced at 3.77USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 8.63USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 50 D2R items in this Jewel, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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