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Windforce[8% LM]

Windforce [Max Varies 95%-100%]

WindforceTwo-Hand Damage: 35 To (241-547) (138-291 Avg)
Required Level: 73
Required Strength: 134
Required Dexterity: 167
Base Weapon Speed: [10]
+250% Enhanced Damage
+ (3.125 Per Character Level) 3-309 To Maximum Damage (Based On Character Level)
20% Increased Attack Speed
6-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Sale [8% Mana Stolen Per Hit (varies)]
Heal Stamina Plus 30%
+10 To Strength
+5 To Dexterity
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
[8% LM]


Price 3.96 USD

What is Windforce[8% LM] in D2R?

In the context of the video game Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R), Windforce is a powerful bow weapon that has a unique property known as "8% Lightning Damage to Attackers." This property, abbreviated as "8% LM," means that whenever an enemy attacks the player character while they are wielding Windforce, the attacker will receive a small amount of lightning damage equal to 8% of the damage dealt by the player's attack.

This lightning damage is separate from the physical damage dealt by the bow itself, and can be especially useful against enemies that are resistant to physical damage. Additionally, Windforce has several other powerful properties that make it a highly sought-after Diablo 2 resurrected item among players, including high base damage, a high chance to knock back enemies, and bonuses to attack rating and strength.

Windforce is a top-tier weapon in D2R that can be extremely effective in the hands of a skilled player.

What is Windforce[8% LM] Good For in D2R?

Windforce with 8% LM is a highly desirable weapon in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R) for a number of reasons. Here are some of the ways in which this weapon can be useful:

  • Dealing extra damage: The 8% Lightning Damage to Attackers property means that whenever an enemy attacks the player, they will take additional lightning damage equal to 8% of the damage dealt by the player's attack. This can be especially useful against enemies that are resistant to physical damage, as the lightning damage can bypass their defenses.

  • Crowd control: Windforce has a high chance to knock back enemies when the player lands a hit. This can be useful for keeping enemies at a distance and preventing them from swarming the player.

  • High base damage: Windforce has a very high base damage, which means that it can deal a lot of damage with each hit. This can be especially useful against tough enemies or bosses.

  • Increased attack rating and strength: Windforce provides bonuses to the player's attack rating and strength, which can make it easier to hit enemies and deal more damage.

Windforce with 8% LM is a powerful and versatile weapon that can be useful in a wide variety of situations in D2R.

How To Get Windforce[8% LM] in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Windforce with 8% LM is a highly sought-after weapon in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R) for several reasons:

  • Lightning Damage: The 8% Lightning Damage to Attackers property means that whenever an enemy attacks the player, they will take additional lightning damage equal to 8% of the damage dealt by the player's attack. This is especially useful against enemies that have high physical resistance.

  • Crowd Control: Windforce has a high chance to knock back enemies, making it a useful tool for crowd control. This can be especially useful when dealing with groups of enemies or bosses with minions.

  • High Damage: Windforce has a very high base damage, making it one of the most powerful ranged weapons in the game. This can be especially useful against high hit-point enemies, such as bosses.

  • Bonuses: Windforce provides bonuses to the player's attack rating and strength, making it easier to hit enemies and deal more damage.

  • Versatility: Windforce can be used effectively by a variety of character classes, including Amazon, Assassin, and Druid. This makes it a popular choice among players who want a weapon that can be used across multiple characters.

Windforce with 8% LM is a versatile and powerful weapon that can be useful in a wide variety of situations in D2R.

Which Build is Good To Use Windforce[8% LM] in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Windforce with 8% LM can be used effectively by several builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R). Here are a few examples:

  • Amazon Bowazon Build: The Bowazon build is one of the most popular builds for using Windforce. This build focuses on using a bow as the primary weapon and utilizes the Amazon's skills, such as Multiple Shot and Guided Arrow, to deal massive damage to enemies. Windforce's high base damage and 8% LM property make it an ideal weapon for this build.

  • Amazon Javazon Build: The Javazon build is another popular build for using Windforce. This build focuses on using javelins as the primary weapon, but Windforce can be used as a backup weapon for ranged attacks. The Javelin skills synergize with Amazon's Lightning Fury skill, which can also benefit from the 8% LM property.

  • Assassin Trapsin Build: The Trapsin build is a hybrid build that combines the Assassin's trap skills with ranged attacks. Windforce can be used as a backup weapon for ranged attacks when the traps are on cooldown. The 8% LM property can help deal additional damage when enemies trigger the traps.

  • Druid Elemental Build: The Elemental Druid build focuses on using elemental skills, such as Hurricane and Cyclone Armor, to deal damage and protect the character. Windforce can be used as a backup weapon for ranged attacks and can benefit from the Druid's skills that boost elemental damage.

Overall, Windforce with 8% LM is a versatile weapon that can be used effectively by several builds in D2R.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Windforce[8% LM] Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Windforce[8% LM] Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Windforce[8% LM] are ranged from 3.7USD to 4.66USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Windforce[8% LM] trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Windforce[8% LM] is priced at 3.96USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 3.7USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 201 D2R items in this Max Varies 95%-100%, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

Participants: 10

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