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Lance of Yaggai

Lance of Yaggai [Uniques Items]

Lance of Yaggai Two-Hand Damage: 15 To 23 (19 Avg)
Required Level: 22
Required Strength: 54
Required Dexterity: 35
Durability: 28
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
Adds 1-60 Lightning Damage
All Resistances +15
40% Increased Attack Speed
Attacker takes damage of 8
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)
Lance of Yaggai


Price 2.63 USD

What is Lance of Yaggai in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

The Lance of Yaggai is a unique polearm in Diablo II: Resurrected (D2R), a remastered version of the classic action role-playing game Diablo II.

  • In D2R, the Lance of Yaggai is a powerful polearm that can only be wielded by characters who have a minimum strength requirement of 149. It has a damage range of 49-136 and a very fast attack speed, making it a formidable weapon in combat.

  • The Lance of Yaggai also has several unique properties, including a chance to cast the Amplify Damage curse on hit, which reduces the target's physical resistance by 100%. Additionally, it has a chance to cast the Iron Maiden curse on hit, which reflects damage back to the attacker. These curses can be extremely useful in battles against tough enemies, especially bosses.

To obtain the Lance of Yaggai in D2R, players must defeat the boss monster Bishibosh in the first act of the game on at least the "Nightmare" difficulty level. The weapon has a chance to drop as a random loot item from Bishibosh's treasure chest, although it is a relatively rare drop.

What is Lance of Yaggai Good For in D2R?

The Lance of Yaggai in D2R is a powerful polearm that is particularly useful for characters who rely on physical damage and melee combat. Its high damage range and fast attack speed make it a formidable weapon against enemies, and its unique properties make it even more effective in battle.

  • The chance to cast the Amplify Damage curse on hit is especially useful, as it reduces the target's physical resistance by 100%. This curse can be a game-changer in battles against enemies with high physical resistance, as it essentially nullifies their resistance and allows the player to deal full damage with every hit.

  • The chance to cast the Iron Maiden curse on hit is also useful, as it reflects damage back to the attacker. This can be especially helpful when facing enemies with high attack power, as it can effectively turn their attacks against them.

Overall, the Lance of Yaggai is a powerful weapon that is well-suited for characters who focus on physical damage and melee combat. Its unique properties make it a valuable addition to any arsenal, especially against tough enemies and bosses.

How To Get Lance of Yaggai in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

To obtain the Lance of Yaggai in Diablo 2 Resurrected, you need to follow these steps:

  • Start a new game or continue from an existing save file.

  • Play through Act 1 until you reach the Catacombs, Level 4.

  • Look for the boss monster named Bishibosh. He can be found in a small room, guarded by several minions.

  • Defeat Bishibosh and his minions. This can be a challenging fight, so be prepared with potions and other equipment.

  • Open Bishibosh's treasure chest. This has a chance to drop the Lance of Yaggai, but it's not a guaranteed drop.

  • If the Lance of Yaggai does not drop, you can retry the fight with Bishibosh by saving and quitting the game, and then restarting at the last checkpoint.

It's worth noting that the Lance of Yaggai is a rare drop, so it may take several attempts to obtain it. Additionally, the Lance of Yaggai can only be used by characters with a minimum strength requirement of 149, so make sure your character meets this requirement before attempting to wield it. Overall, obtaining the Lance of Yaggai requires some patience and persistence, but it's a powerful weapon that can be a valuable addition to your arsenal.

Which Build is Good To Use Lance of Yaggai in Diablo 2?

The Lance of Yaggai is a powerful polearm in Diablo 2 Resurrected that is well-suited for characters who focus on physical damage and melee combat. Here are a few builds that are good to use with the Lance of Yaggai:

  • Barbarian Whirlwind Build: The Whirlwind skill allows Barbarians to rapidly spin and attack multiple enemies at once, making them a formidable force in combat. The Lance of Yaggai's fast attack speed and high damage range make it a great weapon for this build.

  • Paladin Zeal Build: The Zeal skill allows Paladins to attack multiple enemies in rapid succession. The Lance of Yaggai's chance to cast Amplify Damage and Iron Maiden curses on hit can be especially useful in this build, as it makes enemies more vulnerable to physical damage and reflects damage back to attackers.

  • Amazon Jab Build: The Jab skill allows Amazons to attack enemies with lightning-fast jabs, making them a formidable force in combat. The Lance of Yaggai's fast attack speed and high damage range make it a great weapon for this build.

  • Assassin Tiger Strike Build: The Tiger Strike skill allows Assassins to deal massive damage with each strike, making them a deadly force in combat. The Lance of Yaggai's high damage range and chance to cast Amplify Damage on hit can be especially useful in this build.

Overall, the Lance of Yaggai is a versatile weapon that can be used effectively with a variety of builds. It's best suited for characters who focus on physical damage and melee combat, but it can be a valuable addition to any arsenal.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Lance of Yaggai Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Lance of Yaggai Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Lance of Yaggai are ranged from 2.63USD to 2.76USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Lance of Yaggai trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Lance of Yaggai is priced at 2.63USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 2.76USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 341 D2R items in this Uniques Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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