Here are the guidelines for the Lost ark state of the economy, covering the content of gems, blue crystals and class engraving surging.
Lost Ark Latest News - Gems, Blue Crystals and Class Engravings SURGING
Lost Ark - Argos
First of all, Argos has got this really weird problem where there are more supports than there is DPS, so that's what Argos is at the moment which is quite funny when you think about it, now going to take a look at the best dungeons.
If you haven't noticed either best dungeons, there's been a weird thing here as well that a lot of people got to realize this as well in US West, this is concerning is that watch out for these types of run CNF highlighted, because these are just Chinese gold Farmers trying to pay you in gold that they are going to trade on basically like they're Chinese gold Farmers that they'll pay a thousand G each, and you probably could get banned because you probably could do right now.
It's way out at a range of what it should be, sellers who are selling Abyss dungeons gonna be very careful to not go under runs where like the Chinese girl Farms are paying you 1K each, because that's with a lost ark gold that they are farming against per se to get the gear to go up to higher eye levels to get more gold to sell to everyone.
Now generally the abyss dungeon runs a 400 Jeep a piece or sometimes free carry no bid which is like don't build the books and that's it like they're gonna stay that way if get lost at 200g, but anything else happening as well.
Lost Ark - The lesion raids
There go one faster G for normal fault, and there's none up here for Hard Mode volt 10. by the way with Vault and you do need to be purified be aware of that as well and with Ficus well, now it's in 4k for normal and Ficus and 5K for hard mode and that was last Wednesday, so just be aware of that as well.
Lost Ark - The Mario store
If blue crystals are like 1.5 k at this stage, because they're just going crazy, the only reason why they're going to keep going up and up, it's because people getting more and more money, people are honing their Alts, no one's honing their main too much, so people get it to 14 30, 1400, you know the drill getting 40 30 is the next point where you're just doing two Legion rates in Argos a week, and you're getting like 10K on a character or 9.6 K.
Let's be exact you're getting like 9.6k on the character which is immense compared to the Argos one where you only got, you know almost just under 5K, so you double your money for potentially just a bit more time probably about 20 minutes more of time depending on your bike is involved down groups, you know some of them can be pretty bad to be honest with normal mode just gonna say it out there as well, probably like 30-40 minutes wiping on morph as well, because people can do gate one on bikers.
The price is just going to increase over time, this is the big jump is when a lot of people getting almost into 1430, and they get to a point where like you're gonna have to have one character do gold runs purely to pay for blue crystals in that crystalline Aura as well.
You know some people gonna have to bite the bullet here as well you know you have to spend 6K gold on a six-week-old dub 7.5 K gold, even more just to get Chris Knight over 30 days and some people are going to get this swipey swipe card out because obviously they can't pay these Crystal prices and you know that's not good to see obviously, but unfortunately, that's what the reality is going to be at the moment.
Lost Ark - Shard Pouches
Restrict the pouches versus pouch, checking the pouches first gonna say last shards on a leap shot on a shirt, and how many shots have gone on the reason why Harmony honest shards have gone up tremendously, mainly on the back of the fact that people need a lot of Honor shots for Brushasa brochures are homes, you need a lot including cones to get above, you need a lot of Honor shots, so they've been going up quite steadily, now should you buy a tier 3 map not at the moment, because tier one and tier 2 maps are a lot cheaper to be fair.
Though they're a lot harder to find groups for because the group three you're on the map, you know at the moment, looking for you know your Maps here and there as well, but overall pouches are still a great way to make money, make sure you buy the fading pouch, you can always get someone in the face in making sure you buy some North Fern pouches and some rondelle pouches, there's always someone you know there to run them, but you're not so sure about even though you do get you to know live shuttle, you know big ones, and that gives you a bit of 2K gold and also can give you, if you want blue crystals as well without spending on your Alts, now check the stones.
Lost Ark - Honing Materials and Support Mats
When they spell it in the American spelling, they usually spell the S, but you see the cross crystallized here, basically, Guardian stones are going up a bit and destruction zones are going up a bit, this is because a lot of people aren't honing, they're the Alps at all, some people are holding the maze 1490 before clown comes out,
this is always going to go up, because the weapon is probably one of the most sought out stones, and this is always going to happen, now check the lead Stones ice cream Leaf stones have gone down, leapstones have gone down overall, clearly created Leaf Stones people get a lot of these, a lot of great out of leapstones and something naturally goes down on ellipses have gone up slightly, actually a bit surprised, they're starting to go up, a lot of people feeling hundreds, trying to get to 30 70, but the colony of life has stayed the same, so kind of a shout out to go for guidance.
Solar mats as well to support Nets, so you get the fish here, fish is the remaining City at 28g, so a lot of fish probably a good time to sell some of the greatest of going up solar blessings have gone up and solar protection has gone up that's good to see for the hurting support mats because you don't need them, so just be aware of that as well.
Lost Ark - Engravings - Blue, Green and Class Engravings Getting Expensive
now they're not worthless, the engraving, so basically with the Engravings as well, you know that the blue ones are starting to get a bit pricey, look at that just be aware of that as well like, and if you do get some blue ones, you could fetch a tiny Dollar on some of them as well and also some of the green ones have been getting a bit expensive too like see here, like you know getting a big expensive two pick up mostly class engraving, but you can farm these class Engravings from various sources from various tier one lost ark item as well, so be aware of that as well.
Now if you had class engraving, so you want to pick up, you should have picked up like you're probably gonna have to pick them up potentially sooner or wait for them to drop down again because this is ridiculous, how these prices have gone up like you know crunch is now like 5K again crystals as well which is absolute Insanity finally enough adrenaline and KBW are more than both of these Engravings which quite interesting right here, the love Engravings books are just basically exploded in price.
Some of the key ones with DPS like igniter and stuff, like that, going up in price, but you know 2K in price, it's just absolutely Insanity someone's trying to, so someone's buying it because you can't flip A8 books, and then trying to raise the price a lot higher, and then trying to play the market.
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