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Best Lost Ark Alts 1415 Honing Methods - Fastest Way To Get Your Alts From 1370 To 1415
10/21/2022 8:27:24 PM

Today we are going to show you how easy it is to get your alts from 1370 to 1415 and why you should do it. Pushing your alts to 1415 in Lost Ark has never been easier, it’s super cheap and you can get a feel for the character and how it plays at that ilvl with some engravings to see if you enjoy it! 

Lost Ark Honing Your Alts To 1415 Fast - Best Way To Push Alts From 1370 To 1415

Just like Lost Ark makes it so much more fun, you can start building out your alts, you can get relic gear, more relic gear comes into the market, so accessories because you'll be 1415, so you'll be finding them, you'll be listing them, you will be fighting some relic pieces. So having more alts at 1415, you'll just have higher chances of finding stuff because every time you go do a 1415 activity or Deskaluda, chaos dungeons, there's a chance rolling relic piece, can also be good, it just gives you more RNG chances, you just take the chance more times by having more characters and it's a lot better to run this colluder than to run Night Fox. 

Best Methods To Get Your Alts From 1370 To 1415

We show all the materials and this is Shadowhunter, she is 1370, she's been parked here for quite a while. There is leavestone, he has what we've saved up from just doing Chaos dungeons, we don't do cast dungeons on her every day, we'd never do Night Fox Yaho, but chaos dungeons run whenever they're full and then Una’s tasks, sometimes you can do low bang, sometimes do the ones that we suggest to you now. So if you get an Alta 1370 and you're looking to push it to 1450 using only bounds, just do Frozen Sea where it belongs, you can just click on location and then type in Shushire and you want to do this one because it gives you greater leaps every day. And you want to do Unsolved Mystery of the Watchers and Kinsera’s Memorial Service as well, Wailing Swamp and Nameless Valley. You want to do these 3 dailies every day on an alt and you'll slowly build up your leapstones to your chaos dungeons and if you can, face it, then go ahead and do Night Fox as well to build up your leapstones over time. So with all these materials over here, this should get to 14 15 from 1370 in Lost Ark.

Material Estimate

This is the estimated total cost from 1370 to 14 15. 

  • 70K Shards

  • 10K Guardian stones

  • 4.5K Destruction stones

  • 386 Greater honer leapstones

  • 225 Basic Fusion materials

  • 67 Armor tailor books

  • 6K Gold

  • 1.5 Mill silver

Lost Ark Alts 1415 Honing Process

Click special honing, just go over, skip the animation and save the books for once it's under 50. So just speed on a couple of times. Check the video below shared by Augiesaint and find the alts 1415 honing process. 

All Honed To 1415

We have hit 1415 on Shadowhunter and there are 260 basic fusion materials left. If you look 225, that was more or less on the spot like really spot on and in the books we still had a lot of the weapon books left, only use five of them and the armor books, we ended up using 14 armor books. So 14 armor books, 5 weapon books, the gold we were at 18K down to 11K, so more or less 6K gold, it's overall about 20 more about 1.9, it's more or less. We had almost 5000 crystallized destructions. We had exactly 10000 guardian tones, that was really spot on and Oreha Fusion materials are really spot on. The stones were at 1009, we're at 640, so it's at like less than 400 stones. Do remember that this is with the honing buff of having a main at 1460 or above, you need to be 1460 on your main. Then you get a holding buff in your stronghold and also then this is the global buff overall, so everybody has this, you don't have to have anything, that's like the global honing rates are much higher now, that's just how the game is. So it's really simple to get to 1415 really cheap in Lost Ark. If these are alts, pushing all your alts to 1415, if you've got the materials lying around and there's bare gold and silver, go ahead push them up, start doing Deskaluda.

Also, one thing you work on your engravings, get at least 3x3 once you're 1415, getting 3x3 is very easy, you could literally get it with a stone and two books and you just run Argos or rear so you get your guaranteed glass accessories and then that will easily get you 3x3 very cheap. You'd only have to really get a stone and cut maybe a 5/5 or something like that, at least a 6/6 stone, but that should be really easy on a relic stone cutting a 6/6.


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