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Lost Ark Sailing Coins Guide: Exchange Rewards, Uses & How To Get All Sailing Coins
8/31/2022 11:41:34 AM

In Lost Ark, you can earn various Sailing Coins like Giehah’s Coin and Sun Coin. These coins will allow you to purchase some of the most important collectibles in the game. In this Lost Ark Sailing Coins guide, we're going to talk about Pirate Coins, Gienah’s Coins, Sceptrum’s Coins, Arcturu’s Coins, Ancient Coins, Sun Coins, and where to actually use them or get them.


Lost Ark Sailing Coins Guide: Pirate Coins, Gienah’s Coins, Sceptrum’s Coins & More

There are a lot of important things you can buy with Sailing Coins in Lost Ark. There are collectibles, masterpieces, maps, special sailors, and all kinds of stuff that you actually need all of these coins. The most important use of Sailing Coins is for collectibles. All but one collectible comes from Pirate Coins, or Gienah’s Coins, Masterpiece and Giant’s Heart are usually the highest priority collectibles and are bought since these two types of coins.


Lost Ark Pirate Coins Guide

Trading with merchant ships on the open sea requires pirate coins, the marine equivalent of gold or silver. You may trade them for valuable resources or use them to improve your ship, both of which are essential if you want to see as much of Lost Ark's universe as possible. Sea Coins, Gienah's Coin, Sceptrum's Coin, Arctus Coin, Ancient Coin, and Solar Coin - may be exchanged into Pirate Coins, allowing you to spend more of them on land or at the Auction House.


How to get Pirate Coins

Doing missions is the quickest way to earn Lost Ark Pirate Coins, which are needed to purchase items like the Song of Resonance (16,500 Pirate Coins). Doing a few tasks allowed us to quickly amass 17,000 Pirate Coins. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that a total of 15,000 Pirate Coins may be earned by completing tasks on Freedom Isle. We all gathered on adjacent Giant Mushroom Island to amass enough cash for the Song of Resonance. If you complete the area's solitary task, you'll get 2,000 Pirate Coins.


Pirate Coins Exchange Rewards

6th Giant’s Heart - 33,000 Pirate Coins - Illicit Marketeer

Atlas Island Soul - 16,800 Pirate Coins - Illicit Marketeer

Chest of Little Luck - 100 Pirate Coins - Erin  

Conviction - 100,000 Pirate Coins - Tea and Libra Guild Vessel

Judgement - 10,000 Pirate Coins - Tea and Libra Guild Vessel

Game Voucher - 100 Pirate Coins - Merrymaker Jackpot

Masterpiece #7 - 10,000 Pirate Coins - New Vernese Exploring Ship

Overwhelm - 36,000 Pirate Coins - Illicit Marketeer

Song of Resonance - 16,5000 Pirate Coins - Treasure Hunter Igran


Lost Ark Gienah's Coins Guide

To purchase items like Ship Blueprints or other nautically themed items, you'll need Gienah's Coin, one of the currencies in Lost Ark.


How to get Gienah's Coins

Lost Ark's Gienah's Coins may be earned in a number of ways, including completing island tasks, taking part in Co-op missions and Adventure Island events in the Procyon's Compass, buying them from trade merchants in your Stronghold, and engaging in events like Login Rewards. Gienah's Coins may be obtained from any of these methods, however, island missions and Co-op quests are the most common.


Gienah’s Coins Exchange Rewards

5th Giant’s Heart - 3,300 Gienah’s Coins - Mariner Rosa

8th Giant’s Heart - 4,000 Gienah’s Coins - Blackfang

Masterpiece #12 - 3,600 Gienah’s Coins - Mariner Rosa

Masterpiece #20 - 3,600 Gienah’s Coins - Favreau

Emote: Taunt - 3,360 Gienah’s Coins - Blackfang

Emote: Roar - 3,360 Gienah’s Coins - Blackfang

Song of Starlight - 3,300 Gienah’s Coins - Favreau

Sail Glyph: Honor - 500 Gienah’s Coins - Blackfang

Sail Glyph: Hypocrisy - 500 Gienah’s Coins - Favreau

Secret Map Adventure #20: Shipwreck - 3,340 Gienah’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Arthetine)

Secret Map Adventure #21: Common Dolphin - 6,680 Gienah’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Port Krona)

Secret Map Adventure #28: Godsent Spear - 3,340 Gienah’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (East Luterra)


Lost Ark Sceptrum’s Coins Guide

A unique coin discovered only in Rohendel. Take it to a coin-collecting merchant ship. 


How to get Sceptrum’s Coins

You must do quests to get these coins. However, the High Seas Coin Chests may be acquired far more quickly by performing island assignments.


Sceptrum’s Coins Exchange Rewards

Crew Application Form: Hyungung - 334 Sceptrum’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Rohendel)

Crew Application Form: Bharat - 2,004 Sceptrum’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Rohendel)

Crew Application Form: Ordorik - 334 Sceptrum’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Rohendel)

Crew Application Form: Ordorik - 1,002 Sceptrum’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Rohendel)

Crew Application Form: Catherine - 1,503 Sceptrum’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Rohendel)

Crew Application Form: Janes - 334 Sceptrum’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Rohendel)


Lost Ark Arcturus’s Coins Guide

It is one of the currencies available in Lost Ark, and it is a navigation coin that can be exchanged for pirate money. A unique coin that can only be discovered in Yorn. Take it to a coin-collecting merchant ship.


How to get Arcturus’s Coins

Completing island tasks and obtaining High Seas Coin Chests is the quickest and simplest method to get Arcturus' Coins in Lost Ark. To do this, you must go to the islands and complete the missions on each of them. Many of them will provide you High Seas Coin Chests as a prize, which include navigation currency such as Arcturus Coins.


Arcturus’s Coins Exchange Rewards

Level 1 Gem Chest - 33 Arcturus’s Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Yorn)


Lost Ark Ancient Coins Guide

On a merchant ship, Ancient Coins is used to trade for pirate doubloons.


How to get Ancient Coins

Certain tasks may be completed to get Ancient Coins in Lost Ark, however the quickest and simplest method to obtain Ancient Coins is to perform island quests to obtain High Seas Coin Chests.


Ancient Coins Exchange Rewards

Changhun Silk Sailcloth - 25 Ancient Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Feiton)

High-powered Engine Part - 25 Ancient Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Feiton)

Potenstone Engine Part - 25 Ancient Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Feiton)

Rimeria Mountain Oar - 25 Ancient Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Feiton)

Special Magick Society Dye - 25 Ancient Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Feiton)

Tenacious Helm Fragment - 25 Ancient Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Feiton)

Wavestrand Sailcloth - 25 Ancient Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Feiton)

Cursed Oar - 25 Ancient Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Feiton)


Lost Ark Sun Coins Guide

Sun Coins, like Sceptrum's Coins, Arcturus' Coins, Gienah's Coins, and Ancient Coins, are a sort of Voyage Coin in Lost Ark. The same strategies are used to collect Voyage Coins. Sun Coin is a unique coin found solely in Punika. Take it to a coin-collecting merchant ship.


How to get Sun Coins

Sun Coins may be obtained by performing various activities such as island missions and marine co-op events. However, Pirate Coins are also granted for completing events and missions in Lost Ark, so receiving Sun Coins is not guaranteed. Finding and storing High Seas Coin Chests is the quickest method to get Sun Coins.


Lost Ark Sun Coins Exchange Rewards

Crew Application Form: Niera - 8,016 Sun Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Punika)

Crew Application Form: Entz - 8,016 Sun Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Punika)

Crew Application Form: Vanderwal - 8,016 Sun Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Punika)

Crew Application Form: Matimati - 4,008 Sun Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Punika)

Crew Application Form: Narinari - 8,016 Sun Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Punika)

Crew Application Form: Edward - 8,016 Sun Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Punika)

Crew Application Form: Berald - 8,016 Sun Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Punika)

Crew Application Form: Barakas - 8,016 Sun Coins - Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel (Punika)



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