When Valtan releases in Lost Ark, what build should you use and what relic sets should you need? Let's go over the rules if you are worried about Valtan normal or hard, it doesn't matter. In this Lost Ark Valtan guide, we list the best 3+a engraving builds for all classes, so that you have no problems clearing Valtan.
Lost Ark Best Valtan Builds For All Classes - Ark's Recommended Builds To Prepare Valtan
You have two choices up prepare Valtan in Lost Ark, either take the same build or invest a little more a little. The best thing you can do is plus armors, the more armors and more weapons you do, the less hurt you will get. And you just generally do more damage engravings. You really need to check this Lost Ark Valtan guide before going is released, because this is efficient to the T. People always think differently and there are different preferences and the builds that we are going to take might not be the same, if that is the case, just go with your build. It is very important to try everything out in Trixion and make your own build that you are comfortable with.
Lost Ark Recommended Builds For Valtan
Builds - Lv3 Engraving 1, Lv3 Engraving 2, Lv3 Engraving 3, Lv3 Engraving 4 (opt), Combat Stat Ratio, Relic Sets, Legendary
Gunlancer Blue - Barricade, Cursed Doll, Combat Rediness Lv1, Spec Crit, All Spec, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Gunlancer Red - SuperCharge, Lone Knight, Grudge, Crit Swift, 1 Swift Earring & All Crit, Entropy 2, Demon Beast 2
Berserker Mayhem - Master of Tenacity, Mayhem, Cursed doll, Crit Swift, 1 Swift Ring & All Crit, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Berserker Tech - Grudge, Precision Dagger, Keen Blunt, Tech lv 1, Spec Crit, All Spec, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Destroyer Hammer - Grudge, Rage Hammer(Class), Super Charge, Crit Swift, All Crit, Entropy 2, Demon beast 2
Destroyer Gravity - Grudge, Gravity Training, Master Brawler, Spec Crit, All Spec, Entropy 2, Demon beast 2
Paladin - Blessed Aura, Expert, Awakening, Swift Spec, All Swift, Yearning 2, Demon Beast 2
Scrapper Shock - Shock Training, Grudge, Master of Ambush, Spec Crit, 1 Crit Earring & All Spec, Entropy 2, Demon Beast 2
Scrapper Taijutsu - Taijutsu, Grudge, Master of Ambush, Crit Swift, 1 Swift Earring & All Crit, Entropy 2, Demon Beast 2
Striker Deathblow - Death Blow, Grudge, Master of Ambush, Crit Spec, All Spec, Entropy 2, Demon Beast 2
Striker Esoteric - Grudge, Master of Ambush, Adrenaline, Esoteric lv 1, Crit Swift Spec, 1 Earring Crit & Spec Rest Swift, Entropy 2, Demon Beast 2
Wardancer FI - First Intention, Grudge, Adrenaline, Crit Swift, All Swift, Dominion 4, Demon Beast 2
Wardancer Eso - Grudge, Cursed Doll, Adrenaline, Esoteric lv 1, Crit Swift Spec, 1 Earring Crit & Spec Rest Swift, Dominion 4, Demon Beast 2
Glaivier Pinnacle - Pinnacle, Grudge, Keen Blunt, Spec Swift, All Spec, Salvation 2, Demon Beast 2
Glaivier Control - Control, Grudge, Adrenaline, Swift Crit, All Swift, Entropy 2, Demon Beast 2
Soulfist Overflow - Grudge, Raid Captain, Adrenaline, Energy Overflow lv 1, Swift Crit, All Swift, Hallucination 2, Demon Beast 2
Soulfist Robust - Grudge, Robust Spirit, Precision Dagger, Spec Crit, All Spec, Hallucination 2, Demon Beast 2
Artillerist Normal - Grudge, Hit Master, Adrenaline, Fire Power lv 1, Crit Swift, 1 Earring Crit & All Swift, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Artillerist Barrage - Grudge, Barrage, Fire Power, Adrenaline Lv 1, Spec Crit, 1 Ring Crit & All Spec, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Sharpshooter Death - Death Strike, Keen Blunt, Hit Master, Crit Spec, All Crit, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Sharpshooter Loyal - Loyal Companion, Keen Blunt, Hit Master, Swift Crit, Full Swift, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Gunslinger Peace - Grudge, Hit Master, Adrenaline, Peacemaker 1, Crit Swift, 1 Swift Earring & All Crit, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Gunslinger TH - Hit master, Time to Hunt, Peacemaker, Adrenaline Lv 1, Swift Crit, All Swift, Dominion 4, Demon Beast 2
Deadeye Enhanced Wep - Master of Ambush, Spirit Absorption, Keen Blunt, Enhanced lv 1, Spec Crit, All Spec, Entropy 2, Demon Beast 2
Deadeye Handgun - Handgunner, Adrenaline, Grudge, Spec & Crit & Swift, 1 Earring Crit/Swift & All Spec, Hallucination 2, Demon Beast 2
Deathblade Surge - Grudge, Adrenaline, Surge, Spec Crit, All Spec, Entropy 2, Demon Beast 2
Deathblade RE - Super Charge, Grudge, Remaining Energy, Spec Crit, All Spec, Entropy 2, Demon Beast 2
Shadowhunter Demonic - Demonic Impulse, Grudge, Spirit Absorption, Spec Crit, All Spec, Hallucination 2, Demon Beast 2
Shadowhunter Perfect Sup - Grudge, Raid Captain, Adrenaline, Perfect Sup Lv 1, Swift Crit, All Swift, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Sorc Casting Reflux - All-Out-Attack, Hit Master, Grudge, Reflux Lv 1, Crit Swift, 1 Swift Ring & All Crit, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Sorc Instant Cast - Reflux, Adrenaline, Keen Blunt, MP efficiency Lv 1 (or more), Crit Swift, 1:1 Ratio, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Sorc Igniter - All-Out-Attack, Igniter, Precision Dagger, Spec Swift, All Spec, Nightmare 2, Demon Beast 2
Bard - Desperate Salvation, Heavy Armor, Awakening, Swift Spec, All Swift, Yearning 2, Demon Beast 2
We did cover every single class and build to do Valtan in Lost Ark. If you just dodge everything use all your skills and then you're good. To get four threes instead get a solid three three without not spending too many payouts, not spending too much Lost Ark gold. So that you'd be comfortable running Valtan and practicing Valtan. If you're masterful at Valtan and then you have a static group and you can beat it, you can get the new accessories and sell those accessories and make gold. Later on when you have enough gold in the future, you make a real decked-out build with the relic accessories even five threes even four threes for getting ready for vykas. So spending less and being more efficient with the materials that you get is more important.
[Berserker Axe]
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