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Lost Ark Hyper Express Event Guide - Hyper Express Event Missions, Rewards & Tips In Lost Ark
7/23/2022 4:33:00 PM

According to Lost Ark July/August Roadmap, they are planning on giving every player a Punika Powerpass along with Express Event. The Hyper Express event is coming to Lost Ark. In this Lost Ark Hyper Express guide, we talk about time, tasks, rewards, and tips for this event.


Lost Ark Hyper Express Event Guide - Hyper Express Event Missions, Rewards & Tips In Lost Ark

A Hyper Express Event that grants special missions to a selected item 1302 character to help them progress to 1370, pairing well with the Punika Powerpass. You have to reach Punika to activate the Express Character. You can just choose whatever character which just reached level 50. This is the best chance for you to come back to Lost Ark and start honing. Because past 1370, then the honing gets a lot easier. It just drops down to because you get the first legendary set at 1370, you can start doing your first Argos raid, then you can start doing the Rehal mode so you will progress into legendary gear then that gear will start at 60% upgrade change to go from there. Therefore, it’s a lot easier to hone up to 1400.


Lost Ark Hyper Express Event Time

Summer of growth Express Character selection period begins from July 20 to September 28. In-game mission period until September 28 before the regular maintenance.


How To Play Lost Ark Hyper Express Event

When you first log in on your main for the first time, when the patch hits, you actually get a choice to choose a character. Just close the menu and every time you log back on again, it will ask you which character you want or you can just simply click it in your widgets. If you're missing a widget, just click there and you can add and pick out a widget over there. So if you're missing the event one, just put it in. But by default, it should just put itself in there and you actually select which character you want to put it on. Then this is how the Lost Ark Hyper Express Mission opens up and starts.


Lost Ark Hyper Express Event Mission

1.  Reach Item Level 1302

- Chaos Dungeon: Punika: Star 1

2. Reach Item Level 1310

- Chaos Dungeon: Punika: Star 1

- Guardian Raid: Armored Nacrasena

3. Reach Item Level 1320

- Chaos Dungeon: Punika: Star 2

- Guardian Raid: Armored Nacrasena

4.  Reach Item Level 1330

- Chaos Dungeon: Punika: Moon 1

- Guardian Raid: Armored Nacrasena

- Abyssal Dungeon: Aira’s Oculus

- Abyssal Dungeon: Oreha Preveza

5. Reach Item Level 1340

- Chaos Dungeon: Punika: Moon 1

- Guardian Raid: Armored Nacrasena

- Abyssal Dungeon: Aira’s Oculus

- Abyssal Dungeon: Oreha Preveza

5. Reach Item Level 1350

- Chaos Dungeon: Punika: Moon 2

- Guardian Raid: Igrexion

- Abyssal Dungeon: Aira’s Oculus

- Abyssal Dungeon: Oreha Preveza

6. Reach Item Level 1360

- Chaos Dungeon: Punika: Moon 3

- Guardian Raid: Igrexion

- Abyssal Dungeon: Aira’s Oculus

- Abyssal Dungeon: Oreha Preveza

7. Reach Item Level 1370

- Chaos Dungeon: Punika: Moon 3

- Guardian Raid: Igrexion

- Abyssal Dungeon: Aira’s Oculus

- Abyssal Dungeon: Oreha Preveza


Lost Ark Hyper Express Event Rewards

You will be able to claim honor shard, ancient platinum coin, honing material pouch, honor leapstone (bound), and rare engraving recipe selection chest each time when you complete a task.  If you check up the top, you have mission completion. This is overall. So once you finish all of the objectives, you will get massive rewards. There's a bunch of pirate coins, sailing coins, honor shards, oreha fusion material, great honor leapstone, honing material pouch, epic engraving recipe all-in-one chest, legendary engraving recipe selection chest (class-exclusive), legendary rapport selection chest, relic rapport selection chest, legendary card pack, legendary card selection pack, book of growth: armor (bound), book of growth: weapon (bound), the powerful stone of soaring and growth support the legendary accessory chest.


Lost Ark Hyper Express Event Tips

Once you get to 1370 and you claim this reward chest, it gives these books. These books give a 20% honing chance. As opposed to the other books that you get from the game which are about 10%. So you want to use these books first and then use the 20% that you get from the Hyper Express event towards the end. For example, you wouldn't go from 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 with the 20 books, you would want to boost them from 14 to 15 or 13 to 15. You would be more scarce with them earlier if you use them maybe on the first three pieces. Try not to be a certain roll with them and then towards the end if you have a lot left over while you get them to 15, you can be more liberal with the books with the 20% books going up. But you want to save them towards the end of your honing towards your gear up to 15. Because then you can maximize your chances with the plus 20 books.


If you're not 1370 yet and this is your first time getting 1370 in Lost Ark Hyper Express. It's really easily achievable, just sit down do your chaos dungeons, and guardian raids, and then maybe you'll take another extra day just if you don't have any resources. But you should be able to finish all the tasks within 1-3 days if you're unlucky with some of the steps. Need to stock a lot of Lost Ark gold, utplay.com sells cheap Lost Ark gold with fast shipping!




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