In this guide, we are going to be giving you the Top 3 biggest green window and best green big man jumpshots of NBA 2K22 Next Gen and Current Gen.
Top 3 Best NBA 2K22 Big Man Jumpshots on Current Gane & Next Gen
Want to pick up the best greenlight jumpshot for your build in NBA 2K22? Here we share you with different jumpshots to give you options since one jump shot obviously doesn't work for everyone. Therefore, we will introduce the three biggest green window big man jump shots on the Current Gen and Next Gen in terms of fast, medium, and low speed respectively.
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Top 1 - Best NBA 2K22 Fast Big Man Jumpshots
Let's start with the fastest jump shots for the big man builds to achieve the biggest green window consistently in NBA 2K22 Next Gen and Current Gen:
Fast Big Man Jumpshot (Current Gen)
Base: Jump Shot 25
Release 1: Ray Allen
Release 2: Trey Burke
Release Speed: Max Out
Animation Blending: 70% Ray Allen / 30% Trey Burke
Pros of This Jumpshot: This fast jumpshot works for all builds even with the restricted jump shot bases, which are pretty easy to get off. It's going be an amazing jump shot both off the catch and off the dribble, and also it is super smooth and easy to green since it has such a big green win. Additionally, this jumpshot's great for low three-point builds, the reason being if timed correctly, this jump shot gives a pretty big boost, which means as long as you're timing your jump shot, you're going to be chilling also additionally this boost means you're going to be getting the less full ball.
Cue of this Jumpshot - If you don't know what a cue is it is something that indicates to you when to really square, so that way you can time your jumpshot correctly. And for the visual queue of this jump shot, it's on the arms, what you're going to want to do is wait for the arms to start moving towards the basket and then really square, so once they begin to extend outwards, you're going to want to release square.
Fast Big Man Jumpshot (Next Gen)
Base: Jump Shot 3
Release 1: Release 126
Release 2: Kobe Bryant
Release Speed: Max Out
Animation Blending: 40% Release 126 / 60% Kobe Bryant
Pros of This Jumpshot: This is a pretty fast jump shot around the same speed as base 25, and although it's not the smoothest jump shot in the world, it's definitely still very easy to green, especially since it has a big green window. It's good off the catch and also really good off the dribble, even though we know most of you probably don't dribble on a big man build. A couple of things we notice about this jump shot when we are using it on the big man is that the jumpshots actually really good if you're tired or if you're shooting from deep, which are of course two very helpful things.
Cue of this Jumpshot: It's pretty similar to the previous jumper, what you're going to want to do is start by looking at either of your player's arms and then once they begin to accelerate towards the basket, you're going to want to release square like right here. Basically, this cue is just the exact same thing as the previous jump shot, but on this jump shot, your player's arms snap much more violently.
2. NBA 2K22 Best Medium Speed Big Man Jumpshots
Now moving on to a slightly slower or medium speed jump shot on NBA 2K22 Current Gen and Next Gen:
Medium Speed Big Man Jumpshot (Current Gen)
Base: Set Shot 6
Release 1: Release 156
Release 2: Release 62
Release Speed: Max Out
Animation Blending: 30% Release 156 / 70% Release 62
Pros of This Jumpshot: This jump shot still is a pretty decent speed. If you don't like super fast jump shots, it is a good option for your build. It still has a massive green window making it very easy to green, and additionally, it works from all places on the floor and it's going to be good with or without mead. Also just like the first Current Gen jump shot, this is going to be an amazing jump shot for low three-point builds since it gives a giant boost when time corrected. All around this is a very versatile jump shot that we think will work well for a lot of different people.
Cue of this Jumpshot: It's going to be pretty similar to the previous jump shot, the biggest difference is you need to look at the ball instead of your player's arms and then when you see the ball start to move or accelerate towards the basket, you're going to release square.
Medium Speed Big Man Jumpshot (Next Gen)
Base: Karl Malone
Release 1: Release 13
Release 2: Karl-Anthony Towns
Release Speed: Max Out
Animation Blending: 65% Release 13 / 35% Karl-Anthony Towns
Pros of This Jumpshot: This is just a great all-around jump shot with average speed, it's going to be amazing off the catch and also super hard to contest for some reason. It also has a massive green window and is easy to green consistently. Probably the two biggest strengths of this jump shot is its ability to green in the corners and its ability to be green even with the high delay. So if you are on the server with some lag, it's super good on the play. And as it is just absolutely money from the corners which is perfect if you ever have a guard that wants to ISO.
Cue of this Jumpshot: When using this jump shot your player's wrist snaps violently, so wait until you see your player's wrist snap and then once it does snap, go ahead and release square.
3. NBA 2K22 Best Slow Big Man Jumpshots
Now finally moving on to the last two jump shots these two jump shots are going to be some jumpers kind of on the slower end:
Slow Big Man Jumpshot (Current Gen)
Base: Jump Shot 107
Release 1: Release 161
Release 2: Paul George
Release Speed: Max Out
Animation Blending: 45% Release 161 / 55% Paul George
Pros of This Jumpshot: Honestly this isn't really that slow of a jump shot, it's definitely on the slower side but it's by no means too slow. It's still super smooth and easy to green and as well it has a massive green window which only makes it easier to green. This is going to be an amazing jump shot both off the catch and off the dribble, and furthermore is a very difficult jump shot to contest and block which honestly kind of makes up for the fact that this jumper is kind of slow. And plus this is going to be a great jump shot from everywhere on the floor.
Cue of this Jumpshot: What you're going to do for this cue is started by looking at the ball and for this jumpshot, you're going to want to wait until the ball starts moving upwards or starts to elevate. So once it does begin its upward motion, you're going to release square.
Slow Big Man Jumpshot (Next Gen)
Base: Jump Shot 38
Release 1: Release 99
Release 2: Rudy Gay
Release Speed: Max Out
Animation Blending: 35% Release 99 / 65% Rudy Gay
Pros of This Jumpshot: This jumper is on the slower side of jump shots but just like the previous jumper on current gen, it isn't that slow. Honestly, if you go any slower than this jump shot, you just will not be able to shoot at all. There's also a super smooth jump shot and easy to green with a massive green window. Additionally, this jumper is also very simple and all-around a great beginner's big man jump shot.
Cue of this Jumpshot: The cue is going to be very similar to some of the previous jump shots, essentially what you're going to want to do is start by looking at the ball, you'll see the ball kind of come up and next to your player's forehead and then move towards the basket, once it does begin to move towards the basket, you're going to really square.
So in total, we just gave you 6 big man jump shots and we hope at least one of those jump shots does help you out. Check out more professional NBA 2K22 guides here, and if you look for a reliable store to buy NBA 2K22 MT, UTPLAY could be your ideal choice!