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How To Green More Shots In NBA 2K22 - Hot Zone Hunter Badge Guide 2K22
3/23/2022 5:03:01 PM

Today we are going to break down everything you need to know about hot zones and the hot zone hunter badge in NBA 2K22, how to green more shots & become the best shooter in NBA 2K22 MyTeam. If you are looking for players to run with on NBA 2K222, come and check this guide. For those people who don't understand how the hot zone hunter badge actually works, we’re here to break that down for you. 


How To Green More Shots On NBA 2K22 - Hot Zone Hunter 2K22

How does the hot zone hunter badge work in NBA 2K22?

Hot zone hunter pretty much opens up your green window to green shots within your hot zones and the hot zone hunter badge is just as golden as it was in previous years, but it just functions differently where in different years it felt like you needed the badge, it was an absolute necessity. In NBA 2K22, you can't play without the badge, but you're just not going to green as many shots. If you love to see the green, there's nothing that gets you more excited than seeing greens out there.

Tips to green more shots in NBA 2K22

Getting the hot zones on your player. So people may be asking how to get high zones, what's the easiest and quickest way to get hot zones in NBA 2K22.

- You could either go into MyCareer and get your hot zones in there or you can play on the rooftop to get your hot zones. And from the understanding hot zones fluctuate depending on how well you've played or shot in a particular area your last 25 games. 

- The way to get hot zones is to go to the city rooftop, put on the hot zone hunter badge and shot in a particular area on the court along the perimeter until you see the hot zone hunter badge pop up. The hot zone hunter badge only pops up in your hot zones, shooting within your hot zones could give your shot about a 5% boost, but keep in mind you can't stress this enough, you do not want any cold zones, it's almost a guaranteed miss. Shooting in your hot zone is gonna have a negative 15% impact on your shot, so go check your player cards and make sure that you don't have any code zones and if you do have cold zones, get to the lab and start working to switch those cold zones into hot zones.

As soon as you get those high zones, that's where hot zone hunter becomes a gem, a diamond in the rough. Your green window has like slightly early make percentages, middle make percentages and slightly late make percentages within your green window. And what hot zone hunter is doing for you is expanding that middle make opportunity and that's exactly why players who run high zone hunter green more shots in NBA 2K22.

What do you think about hot zone hunter in NBA 2K22? Have you been running it from? Most of the pro players like to run high zone hunter at extremely high levels, the recommended levels for the hot zone hunter badge are gold or higher because bronze to silver really doesn't provide you much of a benefit. 


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