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Diablo 4 Season 2 Druid Leveling Guide (1-50) - How to Level Up a Werebear Druid in D4 S2
10/25/2023 6:02:12 PM

Diablo 4 Season 2 brings with it an exhilarating opportunity to explore the fascinating world of the Druid class. With its transformative abilities and primal nature, the Werebear Druid offers a unique leveling experience. This guide will walk you through the process of efficiently leveling up a Werebear Druid from level 1 to 50 in Diablo 4 Season 2, unraveling the secrets to a successful journey through blood-soaked battlefields.

Diablo 4 Season 2 Druid Leveling Guide (1-50) - How to Level Up a Druid in D4 S2

The point of this guide is to get you the aspects and the things that you need to succeed up until World tier 4 and to direct you to the exact dungeons that you need to go to, to get certain aspects, the easy vampire powers that we're going to be picking up to increase the damage and the survivability of our build. 

Now we are going to be going step by step on what skills to put in and we're going to take breaks along the way to get certain aspects and do certain vampire powers.

Season 2 Druid Leveling from 1-24

We're going to be putting points into storm strike, this is going to give us some damage reduction when we hit enemies. And then we're going to grab enhanced storm strike to get the in immobilize, and then that unlocks pulverized for us with pulverize, we're going to be going pulverized to enhance pulverize, this gives us a overpower. And then we're going to be going to uh Primal pulverize, this means enemies hit with pulverize deal 20% reduced damage for 4 seconds. Then we need another point to be putting one more point into pulverize, it's going to increase its damage. And then we have our choice of defensive skills, blood howl is going to heal us and in order to overpower, we need to remain healthy, so getting this big chunk of healing just as an insta click is going to be really nice. Enhanced blood howl in domain tunnels is going to allow us to have this up a lot of the time, we're going to get reduced cooldown and innate blood how is going to give us that 20 spirit gen. Spirit is going to be a big issue you're going to see me focus on it quite a bit. After we grab that, we're going to be grabbing fierce storm strike, this gives us our first chance to make enemies vulnerable, vulnerable is being changed but it base it's still 20% more damage to vulnerable enemies. We still need one more point to get into pulverized, it's going to increase its base damage. And then we're going over to poison creeper, we're going to grab poison creeper, enhanced poison creeper, this is without a doubt the best ability that Druid gets early on. Out of all of the abilities that Druid has access to, this will straight up kill entire groups of enemies for you. We're also going to be pick up clarity, put 3 points here, gain 6 spirit when transforming into human form. You're going to want to be weaving in your basic attacks and this is going to allow us a lot of spirit gain. We're then next going to be going for trample and enhanced trample and then savage trample. We need three more points to get to our ultimate and we're going to be dumping those points into pulverize to get it to max level, and then we're going to be 1 point away from our ultimate and then we're going to toss one more point into poison creeper and this unlocks our ultimate. Now we're at level 24.

Aspects & Vampire Powers for Level 24 Druid

  • Raw Might Aspect

  • Domination

  • Hemomancy

Season 2 Druid Leveling from 24-30

Going petrify to grab supreme petrify, so that we can get spirit back when we kill an enemy. However, we are going to be solving our spirit issues very soon. So if you don't want to re back, we’d recommend going straight into grizzly rage, this is going to give us fortify life per second unstoppable, and then we're going to be grabbing 3 more points which we're going to be putting into poison creeper to max it out. This will now basically oneshot entire groups of enemies, no issues, poison creeper is going to be doing so much damage for us. 

Aspects & Vampire Powers for Level 30 Druid

Now that we're level 30, we can take on some harder dungeons and get some aspects that are a little bit later on in the game.

  • Aspect of the Umbral

  • Aspect of Quicksand

  • Aspect of Retaliation

  • Sanguine Brace

Season 2 Druid Leveling from 30-42

We still got 4 more points to get Ultimate. So put 3 points into predatory instinct, this is going to give us increased crit chance. And 1 point into quickshift, this is going to give us increased damage whenever a shape shifting skill transform us. And then we're going to grab earth sign strength, this was just buffed, it's going to give us 20% additional maximum life which once again overpower scales off of and the vampire power that we're using scales off of our max life. So this is damage increase for both and we're going to deal increased damage while we're healthy and we get increased overpower damage, this is just fantastic. We're still only level 35 though, so we're going to want to try to hit to the 40 mark, we're going to need to pick up a bit more survivability. So we're going to be grabbing 3 points into iron fur, this is going to give us 9% damage reduction while we're in Werebear form which is now going to be basically all the time and that damage reduction is going to persist. And we're also going to grab one point into heart of the wild and 3 into wild impulses. With the umbrell aspect, we should now have a lot more management of our spirit, this is just going to give us even more damage for our pulverize to clear out enemies quickly. It is going to make us cost more spirit. 

Aspects for Level 42 Druid

Now we're level 42 and these are the aspects:

  • Aspect of the Ursine Horror

  • Ballistic Aspect

Season 2 Druid Leveling from 42-50

We can pick up crushing Earth to deal 15% increased damage to slowed stunt immobilized or knock back enemies. We're going to be putting 1 point into Safeguard, critical strikes with Earth skills fortify, you for 2% of our max life, we do have a ton of sources to fortify and we get more Critical Strike chance based on amount of fortify. So this will help a ton and we're also going to be grabbing stone guard while you have fortify for over 50% of your max life, your earth skills deal 12% increased damage, this is another damage increase for us and it's also going to allow to pick up Defiance. Nature magic skills deal 12% increased damage to Elites. We're going to be putting one point into circle of life, this is going to allow us to heal every time we cast pulverize. And then 3 points into resonance, nature magic skills deal 6% increase damage. Triple this bonus if an earth skill is the next skill cast after a storm skill, or a storm skill is the next skill cast after an earth skill. We have storm strike, so cast a storm strike and then pulverize and now it gets 6% damage increased tripled which is going to be even more damage for our pulverize and that leads us with three more points to spend. At this point if you're no longer having Spirit issues, we can take these points out of clarity. And then we're going to be putting them 1 into neurotoxin, 3 into Venom, this is going to give us a 30% more damage or crit damage against poison enemies. And we're also going to be grabbing 2 more points into quick shift for whenever we transform, we're going to get 15% increased damage, so use storm strike to get the multiplier from resonance. 

Aspects & Vampire Powers for Level 50 Druid

  • Aspect of Disobedience

  • Shockwave Aspect

  • Aspect of Might

  • Blood Boil


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