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Diablo 4 Leveling Tier List After Nerf - Best Class & Build For Early Campaign In D4
6/16/2023 2:45:55 PM

Today, we got you a Diablo 4 post nerf leveling tier list, we're going to rank each class and build based on their performance. This D4 leveling class tier list is just focusing on the leveling process and the raw power of the classes.


Diablo 4 Best Class & Build For Leveling  - D4 Leveling Tier List For Early & Compaign

If you are having a hard time picking your class, we hope this Diablo 4 leveling class and build tier list helped give you a better idea of what you want to play. This leveling tier list outlines the most crucial aspects of a Leveling Build, including its mobility, survivability, simplicity of use, damage output, and time to level 50. Some people are going to be upset with the rankings, we want to reiterate this is for early leveling and campaign progression. 

D4 Leveling Class Tier List

S - Sorcerer (Sorc)

Starting with the Sorcerer, they're teleporting their way straight into S tier. The Sorcerer is back and in a big way just like its Diablo 2 predecessor, they're an absolute powerhouse of a class. Having the best mobility skill in the game teleport coupled with strong CC, defensive shields, face-melting damage both single target and AOE makes them excel in almost any situation. Their class mechanic the enchantment system allows you to buff skills passively, tailoring a playstyle that best fits you. Despite recent nerfs the hydra and chain lightning, they remain viable along with other strong long builds. Leveling with the Sorcerer is a breeze and you hardly encounter a challenge unless fighting enemies several levels higher. Mana regenerates extremely fast and when you do lack resources for core skills, basic attacks, and conjugations allow you to dish out consistent damage. Having the ability to mix and match three strong elements of fire lightning and ice offers a diversity of combinations and synergies that is bar none. For these reasons, the Sorcerer will reign supreme upon launch.


S - Rogue

Dashing in right behind the Sorcerer we have the Rogue joining the S tier on the Diablo IV class leveling tier list. the Rogue can focus on melee or range combat. Alternatively, they can mix the two for very satisfying combinations. Range combat feels more strategic and thought out, laying traps and slowing enemies, allowing you to lay down heavy damage. While with melee, you embody an assassin and dash around eviscerating your enemies in the blink of an eye. The dash ability offers incredible agility with two charges. Because of this, you can easily reposition out of sticky situations. Additionally, they have a plethora of strong defensive abilities which allow them to mitigate large amounts of damage. As for their class mechanic, three specializations are available, including combo points, enter sight, or preparation. All these offer powerful bonuses that change your play style. The only real thing they lack is on-demand CC compared to other classes. Imbuements allow Rogues to imbue their weapons with different elements like shadow poison and ice. When combining imbuements with their shadow clone ability which summons a clone that deals 60% of your damage, it makes them the most insane single target burst damage in the game.


A - Necromancer (Necro)

The Necromancer brings a lot to the table with bone skills, blood magic curses, or the tried and true summons. Their class mechanic the Book of the Dead allows you to customize your summons and unique ways completely changing their play style. Although Necromancers lack any meaningful mobility skills it's a trade-off for having an army of undead in front of you acting as meat sponges and blood misgranting immunity coupled with healing. Playtime with the Necromancer was the least engaging gameplay, with summons just mowing down everything in their path, this isn't a downside by any means. During the server slam, summons did have their health nerfed but it was hot fixed due to them dying too quickly. Even after the fix, it was an overall nerf to survivability. Overall fast resource generation, great utility with curses, and highly customizable minions, paired with strong on-demand damage from basic and core skills make Necromancer a very solid class.


B - Barbarian

Next, we have the Barbarians bashing their way into B tier. The Barbarian is the classic hack and slash brawler we all know and love. With the addition of the arsenal system, it takes them to another level. Their class mechanic gives them the ability to swap between four weapons. It not only allows you to choose which weapon works best for each ability on your bar, but each weapon being legendary or unique will ensure that late-game scaling will be incredible. Theory generation can be a chore at times but Blizzard has added some buffs to try and tweak it. Getting the right legendaries helps smooth it out. Even with the duration nerfs to shout, they should not be ignored as they remain very impactful not only to yourself but your group. The Barbarian was satisfying to level with, especially after those whirlwind buffs but also the most stressful at times. Their survivability is really lacking for being a forced melee class, even with the flat 10% damage reduction that was added, it's the only thing holding them back from being gods of war.


C - Druid

Pulverizing their way into B tier on this D4 leveling tier list, we have the Druid. The Druid is a master of shape-shifting also possessing earth and storm elements. They can seamlessly morph from werewolf to wearbear or being storm and earth to their will. With the Druid's class mechanic, you can bond with a spirit animal by making spirit offerings that can be used to unlock a variety of special bonuses. There are still a lot of unknowns about this mechanic which unlocks an Act 2 scrolling. But if it's as strong as other classes, their late-game scaling will be something to look forward to. On the flip side, this makes early leveling a bit of a slog. Druid was very fun to play, the low base damage output compared to other classes and no passive spirit generation make their clearing speeds drastically slower. Just like the Barbarian legendaries are required to make resource generations smooth. As for survivability, they are the most tanky class in the game, avoiding melee pitfalls by mixing in-range skills weaving in and out of close-quarter combat. Many Druid skills receive large buffs in the most recent patch, which did help give them a nudge in the right direction. However, because of the low damage output early on, it's keeping the beast from unleashing its full potential.

D4 Leveling Build Tier List

S Tier

  • Chain Lightning Sorcerer

  • Twisting Blades Rogue

  • Firewall Sorcerer

A Tier

  • Bone Spear Necro

  • Flurry Rogue

  • Ice Shards Sorcerer

  • Arc Lash Sorcerer

  • Server Necro

  • Blight CE Necro

B Tier

  • Penetrating Shot Rogue

  • Tornado Druid

  • Blood Surge Necro

  • Rent Barbarian

  • HotA Barb

  • Barrage Rogue

C Tier

  • Pulverize Druid

  • Whirlwind Barbarian

  • Summoner Sever Necro

  • Lightning Storm Druid

  • Landslide Druid
