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D2R Best Melee Builds for Each Class | Top 7 Meta Melee Builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4
6/27/2022 4:55:14 PM

A meta Melee Build has to have the advantage in both damage and tanky, otherwise, you'll either get an easy one-hit kill on close encounters with a monster, or you'll have to swipe your hands countless times to kill one boss. So if you are building up a melee physical damaging build in Diablo 2 Resurrected, check out this guide first to learn which are the best D2R Melee Builds as well as how to build an unbeatable melee build!


Diablo 2 Resurrected Best Melee Builds for Each Class

Although the melee build is generally considered the most gear-dependent in Diablo 2 Resurrected and not recommended for beginners or not recommended for the first character, it is always a good idea for players who are not good at kite ranged combat or simply prefer melee combat The build that you want to choose most for your character. In order to help you create a OP melee build, here we go over the best melee build for each class, as well as break down how to set up each one.

1. Best Melee Paladin - Auradin Build

The strongest Melee paladin build is Auradin with insane AOE elemental damage, and one of the best melee builds in the 2.4 patch. With it, you have great mobility with charge and the freeze on target on striking and the hip blinds target actually provides ridiculous safe crowd control when you're surrounded by monsters. Now unfortunately this is a stupid expensive build.

Build Setup Base Guide

Stat Points (Attributes)

Strength: Enough for gear

Vitality: All Rest

Dexterity: Enough for max block with holy shield

Energy: 0

Skill Points

Salvation: 20

Resist Lightning: 20

Resist Fire: 20

Conviction: 18

Sacrifice: 16

Zeal: 1

Character Gear

Weapon: Hand of Justice Phase Blade

Shield: Dream Sacred Targe

Offhand: Call To Arms Military Pick

Body Armor: Dragon Archon Plate

Helmet: Dream Bone Visage

Amulet: Highlord's Warth

Rings: Raven Frost, Bitter Spiral

Gloves: Laying of Hands

Boots: Gore Rider

Belt: String of Ears

Charms: Paladin Hellfire Torch, Annihilus Small Charm, Different Grand Charms and Small Charms assorted max damage, attack rating, plus life

2. Best Melee Druid Build - Reaper Wolf Build

The new variant of the fury druid that we are calling reaper wolf is insane with a ton of damage decrep procs nearly 20k with 100 deadly strike, so almost every hit is doing 40k and that's not even taking into consideration the extra damage that you get from the crap as well as the slowdown and reducing enemies physical resistance.

Build Setup Base Guide

Stat Points (Attributes)

Strength: Max

Vitality: 0

Dexterity: Enough for gear

Energy: 0

Skill Points

Lycanthropy: 20

Werewolf: 20

Feral Rage: 20

Fury: 20

Heart of Wolverine: 20

Summon Grizzly: 1

Rabies: 1

Character Gear

Weapon: The Reaper's Toll Thresher

Shield: Dream Sacred Targe

Offhand: Call To Arms Military Pick

Body Armor: Fortitude Archon Plate

Helmet: Guillaume's Face

Amulet: Highlord's Warth

Rings: Viper Whorl, Raven Frost

Gloves: Laying of Hands

Boots: Gore Rider

Belt: String of Ears

Charms: Druid Hellfire Torch, Annihilus Small Charm, Different Shape-shifting skiller grand charms, max damage charms

3. Best Melee Necromancer Build - Poison Bomb Necro Build

It's a really good melee necromancer build because you don't have to spend time summoning all your skeletons when you start a new game, so you don't have that down time of maybe a couple of minutes killing monsters. This is a build that you can go and kill whatever you want. Also for a melee build, this has a lot of area damage thanks to corpse explosion and also quite a bit of solubility because of bone armor.

Build Setup Base Guide

Stat Points (Attributes)

Strength: Enough for gear

Vitality: Dump the rest here

Dexterity: Enough for 75% block

Energy: No need

Skill Points

Corpse Explosion: 20

Bone Wall: 20

Bone Prison: 20

Bone Armor: 20

Clay Golem: 1

Summon Resist: 1

Blood Golem: 1

Golem Mastery: 1

Amplify Damage: 1

Weaken: 1

Iron Maiden: 1

Life Tap: 1

Character Gear

Weapon: Grief Phase Blade

Shield: Homunculus

Offhand: Call To Arms Military Pick

Body Armor: Chains of Honor Archon Plate

Helmet: Guillaume's Face

Amulet: Highlord's Warth

Rings: Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band, Raven Frost

Gloves: Laying of Hands

Boots: Gore Rider

Belt: String of Ears

Charms: Necromancer Hellfire Torch, Annihilus Small Charm, Different grand charms with recovery, plus summoning skills, plus poison and bone skill

4. Best Melee Assassin Build - Kicksin Build

Kickers are really fun characters that can clear the entire game. Since you don't need to grasp martial arts fundamentals or perform combos for this build to work, it's the most straightforward martial arts build for an assassin. To kill the enemy, simply endlessly spam Dragon Talon. Instead of using weapons to deliver damage, this build focuses on footwear. But weapon affinities continue to function.

Build Setup Base Guide

Stat Points (Attributes)

Strength: Enough for gear

Vitality: Dump the majority of your points here

Dexterity: Enough for max block

Energy: No need

Skill Points

Dragon Talon: 20

Venom: 20

Burst of Speed: 20

Shadow Warrior: 20

Cobra Strike: 1 or more

Dragon Flight: 1

Death Sentry: Remaining skill points

Character Gear

Weapon: Lacerator Winged Axe

Shield: Phoenix Monarch

Offhand: Call To Arms Flail, Lidless Wall

Body Armor: Enigma Dush Shroud

Helmet: Harlequin Crest Shako with enhanced damage jewel

Amulet: Mara’s Kaleidoscope

Rings: Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band, Raven Frost

Gloves: Bone Hand

Boots: Shadow Dancer Myrmidon Greaves

Belt: Arachnid Mesh

Charms: Assassin Hellfire Torch, Annihilus Small Charm, different grand charms with plus martial arts skills

5. Best Melee Barb Build - Frenzy Barbarian Build

As far as the build strengths, the frenzy barbarian is a very tanky melee character as long as you have a decent amount of life leech and you’re striking with a fast increased attack speed breakpoint, you’re constantly going to be replenishing your life, so it’s very different to die. The build aslo has insane mobility, it’s one of the few characters that can actually keep up to teleporting builds just because you have an insane amount of faster run lock. The third benefit is that you can use the skill Berserk to handle physical immune monsters, Berserk is magic damage, and Frenzy is physical, so you shouldn't really run into any immunity problems.

Build Setup Base Guide

Stat Points (Attributes)

Strength: Enough for gear

Vitality: Dump the majority of your points here

Dexterity: No need

Energy: No need

Skill Points

Frenzy: 20

Double Swing: 20

Sword Mastery: 20

Taunt: 1

Bash: 1

Stun: 1

Concentrate: 1

Berserk: 1

Increased Stamina: 1

Iron Skin: 1

Character Gear

Weapon: Dual Grief Phase Blade 

Shield: Phoenix Monarch

Offhand: Duel Heart of The Oak Flail

Body Armor: Fortitude Archon Plate

Helmet: Guillaume’s Face with rare jewel

Amulet: Highlord's Warth

Rings: Raven Frost, Wraith Hold

Gloves: Dracul’s Grasp

Boots: Gore Rider

Belt: String of Ears

Charms: Barbarian Hellfire Torch, Annihilus Small Charm, different grand charms with max damage, attack rating, plus life

6. Best Melee Sorceress - Passion Dream Sorc Build

The Melee Passion Sorceress is one of the most confusing builds in Diablo 2, you can hit Diablo, pulse AOE take out monsters in the pits, you have arguably slow clear speed in the Chao sanctuary, but you can take out build waves no problem but at the same time, you're very squishy build. Here we break down a 62 000 damage zeal passion melee sorcerer build - the only melee sorc build.

Build Setup Base Guide

Stat Points (Attributes)

Strength: Enough for gear

Vitality: Everything else

Dexterity: Enough for 75% block

Energy: No need

Skill Points

Enchant: 20

Warmth: 20

Fire Mastery: 20

Lightning Mastery: 20

Static Field: 1

Telekinesis: 1

Teleport: 1

Frozen Armor: All rest points

Character Gear

Weapon: Passion Phase Blade

Shield: Dream Monarch

Offhand: Call To Arms Flail and Spirit Monarch

Body Armor: Skin of The Vipermagi with 15 IAS and All Res Jewel

Helmet: Dream Bone Visage

Amulet: Corruption Heart

Rings: Raven Frost, Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band

Gloves: Immortal King's Forge

Boots: Immortal King's Pillar

Belt: Arachnid Mesh

Charms: Sorceress Hellfire Torch, Annihilus Small Charm, different grand charms assorted with FHR, plus life, all res, plus mana, and other small charms

7. Best Melee Amazon Build - Lightning Strike Amazon Build

This melee Amazon build can fully clear Chaos Sanctuary, Ubers without respect. The rotation of this build is quite simple, use a lightning strike on monsters and use the charge strike on bosses, so ideally while the lightning strike is chaining all the monsters, switch the charge strike to clean up the rest. This is the farming setup focusing on magic finds.

Build Setup Base Guide

Stat Points (Attributes)

Strength: Enough for gear

Vitality: Dump the majority of your points here

Dexterity: No need

Energy: No need

Skill Points

Power Strike: 20

Lightning Bolt: 20

Impale: 20

Charged Strike: 20

Dodge: 1

Avoid: 1

Critical Strike 1

Penetrate: 1

Evade: 1

Character Gear

Weapon: Infinity Matriarchal Spear

Shield: Phoenix Monarch

Offhand: Call To Arms War Scepter and Spirit Monarch

Body Armor: Enigma Mage Plate

Helmet: Griffon's Eye with 15 IAS and 15 All Res Jewel

Amulet: Highlord's Warth

Rings: Raven Frost, Wraith Hold

Gloves: Dracul’s Grasp

Boots: Goblin Toe

Belt: Thundergod's Vigor

Charms: Amazon Hellfire Torch, Annihilus Small Charm, different grand charms
