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Elden Ring 1.09.1 Best Quality Build At Level 150 - Top 5 Best Quality Builds & Weapons 2023
7/22/2023 4:29:18 PM

Welcome, brave adventurers, to the realm of Elden Ring! Having a carefully crafted quality build can forge your path to victory. In Elden Ring, quality builds can be tough at levels like 150. But don't worry, we've got you. Today, we bring you the top 5 best Elden Ring 1.09.1 quality builds and setups 2023.  We'll break down their stats, gear and talismans.


Elden Ring 1.09 Quality Build Guide - Top 5 Best Quality Builds In Elden Ring 2023

In our Elden Ring 1.09.1 quality build guide 2023, we introduce you to 5 awesome builds that you can use at rune level 150 as well as higher levels to get great damage. Each of them possesses 50 vitality and more than 51 poise. Due to the high quality of these configurations, you may add bloodflame sword and employ a wide variety of ashes of war, giving you a wide range of options for building formidable decks. With an attack rating of 700+ at RL 150 and 90+ bleed with bloodflame, Bloodhound's Fang is an extremely powerful weapon. Join us as we dive deep into the realm of Elden Ring's best quality build 1.09.1, ensuring you stand tall against your formidable foes.


#1 Elden Ring Best 1.09.1 Quality Build - Bloodhound’s Fang Build

For our first Elden Ring 1.09.1 quality build we've started with Bloodhounds Fang that you can get in Limgrave. This is a very powerful quality weapon that you can get very early in the game. Speaking of Bloodhound’s Fang, one of the best quality weapons in Elden Ring after patch 1.09.1 at rune level 50, you can hit over 700 AR. If you're max level, you can actually get it to over 900. Bloodhound’s Fang goes best with Bloodflame Blade as it'll give it over 90 bleed in total, a little bit of fire damage, and allows us to get those procs while using its awesome ash of war in Bloodhound's Finesse. 

Bloodhound’s Finesse is great because it gives you moments of invulnerability and you can avoid many boss attacks and follow up with a forward motion-heavy attack. Bloodhounds Fang may be the best one on the top 5 best Elden Ring quality 1.09.1 weapon list. It's always going to be a popular weapon because of that ash of war, the ability to avoid boss hits while following up with powerful attacks, and get a good amount of bleed. This is something you should definitely consider building around, it can carry you through the game a bit especially early on and then the mid game.


Bloodhound’s Fang Build Stats

Vigor - 50

Mind - 20

Endurance - 26

Strength - 35

Dexterity - 60

Intelligence - 9

Faith - 25

Arcane - 14


Bloodhound’s Fang Build Equipment

Right Hand - Bloodhound’s Fang

Left Hand - Dragon Communion Seal

Armor - Radahn’s Lion Armor

Gloves - Radahn’s Gauntlets

Legs - Night’s Cavalry Greaves


Bloodhound’s Fang Build Talisman

Shard of Alexander

Lord of Blood’s Exultation

Ritual Sword Talisman

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman


#2 Elden Ring 1.09.1 Best Quality Build - Flameberge Build

Flameberge is a good quality weapon overall in Elden Ring 1.09.1 patch. Flamber has a lot of options for the ashes of war, you can use Giant Hunt as it's really fun to hit stuff hard. When you get in regular hits, you can build up bleed fast too. This is a weapon that doesn't have great dexterity or strength scaling by itself, quality actually here can be a solid option to give you more damage especially as you get more levels. If you go past 150, you can get a lot of damage out of a weapon like this and take advantage of the quality scaling for it. Because the quality scaling is pretty much going to be the best scaling you're going to get for this weapon. It's a medium-sized weapon not fast but not slow either. Giant Hunt or any ash of war you're choosing will do great damage with its around 650 AR on quality. If the stats we have Bloodflame Blade truly does complement it just like it does with Bloodhound's Fang. This is a weapon you can get pretty early too that also has that innate bleed on it. It's easy to understand and use as well.


Flameberge Build Stats

Vigor 50

Mind - 20

Endurance - 26

Strength - 35

Dexterity - 60

Intelligence - 9

Faith - 25

Arcane - 14


Flameberge Build Equipment

Right Hand - Quality Flameberge

Left Hand - Dragon Communion Seal

Armor - Radahn’s Lion Armor

Gloves - Radahn’s Gauntlets

Legs - Night’s Cavalry Greaves


Flameberge Build Talisman

Shard of Alexander

Lord of Blood’s Exultation

Ritual Sword Talisman

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman


#3 Elden Ring Best Quality Build 1.09.1 - Naginata Build

Naginata is a very popular quality weapon in Elden Ring 2023. It can hit over 600 AR, it can be boosted by Bloodflame Blade as well because of that innate bleed that's on it. It is similar to the first two builds the next two are going to be a little bit different this is another one that's going to be similar. This is another easy early grab in Caelid and if you're new, this is an awesome early game weapon to pick up.


Naginata Build Stats

Vigor - 50

Mind - 20

Endurance - 26

Strength - 35

Dexterity - 60

Intelligence - 9

Faith - 25

Arcane - 14


Naginata Build Equipment

Right Hand - Quality Claymore

Left Hand - Dragon Communion Seal

Armor - Radahn’s Lion Armor

Gloves - Radahn’s Gauntlets

Legs - Night’s Cavalry Greaves


Naginata Build Talisman

Shard of Alexander

Lord of Blood’s Exultation

Ritual Sword Talisman

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman


#4 Best Elden Ring Quality Build After Patch 1.09.1 - Claymore Build

This is the last one with a similar stat and setup before going into our final best Elden Ring 1.09.1 quality build which is a bit different. You can get the Claymore early too in Castle Morne. This is another quality weapon that takes advantage of that b scaling and dexterity and strength and gives you solid damage out of the Claymore. It’s a really powerful early-game weapon too if you want to grab this. Claymore is solid and reliable. Storm Blade is really fun to use the range and the decent physical damage goes well with our quality Claymore setup. There are a lot of options for ash of wars that are better than Storm Blade, you have a lot of options to work with. 


Claymore Build Stats

Vigor - 50

Mind - 20

Endurance - 26

Strength - 35

Dexterity - 60

Intelligence - 9

Faith - 25

Arcane - 14


Claymore Build Equipment

Right Hand - Naginata

Left Hand - Dragon Communion Seal

Armor - Radahn’s Lion Armor

Gloves - Radahn’s Gauntlets

Legs - Night’s Cavalry Greaves


Claymore Build Talisman

Shard of Alexander

Lord of Blood’s Exultation

Ritual Sword Talisman

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman


#5 Elden Ring Best Quality Build 2023 - Godfrey’s Axe Build

Godfrey's axe isn't really a strength weapon as getting to 50 strength and then two-handing. After you'll get way more from adding dexterity, despite its d scaling. Go for a quality build with Godfrey's Axe especially at higher levels, you'll receive great AR and damage in return. The initial stop can be boosted by the Roar Medallion, Shard of Alexander, and Highland Axe as passive. This axe is much like a war cry and if you want to boost the follow-up charged attacks, you're going to want to use the axe Talisman in combination with the charged tear. If you're using a lot of those follow-up attacks, you can boost that with the axe Talisman and the charge tear. The initial stomp though is boosted by the Shard and Roar Medallion. All around, a solid weapon to put quality stats into with a really cool-looking ash of war and some really cool follow-up attacks with Godfrey's axe. This is a lot of fun to use as far as the weapon itself goes.


Godfrey’s Axe Build Stats

Vigor - 50

Mind - 20

Endurance - 26

Strength - 35

Dexterity - 60

Intelligence - 9

Faith - 25

Arcane - 14


Godfrey’s Axe Build Equipment

Right Hand - Axe of Godfrey

Left Hand - Dragon Communion Seal, Bloody Highland Axe

Head - Night’s Cavalry Helm

Armor - Night’s Cavalry Armor

Gloves - Godskin Apostle Bracelets

Legs - Night’s Cavalry Greaves


Godfrey’s Axe Build Talisman

Shard of Alexander

Roar Medallion

Ritual Sword Talisman

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman


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