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D2R 2.5 Terror Zones & Sunder Charms Guide - How To Make Terror Zones & How To Find Sunder Charms
10/18/2022 11:39:31 AM

It's finally been a couple of days into the ladder and we have a more generalized idea of how you can obtain the terror one, only sunder charms.


How To Make Terror Zones

The first thing that you need to know is how do you create a terror zone, so for instance, if you want to make Terror zones in normal, you have to kill normal Baal, if you want to make Terror zones in Nightmare, you have to kill nightmare Baal, and if you want to make Terror zones in hell, you need to kill hell Baal, otherwise, you will not be able to create Terror Zone games, now as far as we understand it though you will still be able to participate in Terror Zone games, the same way that you know someone can join the cow level, that hasn't killed normal bail but if someone who has killed normal Veil creates the game, and then you join their game you can potentially make it that way,  when you join a game with the terrorized moniker added to it, you will have the ability to participate into Terror Zones, the terror zones are basically set up every hour, so it's a random thing, it goes between a huge list of zones,  so if you look up the d2r patch notes or d2r items for 2.5, it is listed in the patch notes, so here's the current list of zones:

Act 1

  • Blood Moor and Den of Evil

  • Cold Plains and The Cave

  • Burial Grounds, The Crypt, and the Mausoleum

  • Stony Field

  • Dark Wood

  • The Forgotten Tower

  • Jail

  • Cathedral and Catacombs

  • The Pit

  • Tristram

  • Moo Moo Farm

Act 2

  • Sewers

  • Rocky Waste and Stony Tomb

  • Dry Hills and Halls of the Dead

  • Far Oasis

  • Lost City, Valley of Snakes, and Claw Viper Temple

  • Arcane Sanctuary

  • Tal Rasha’s Tombs

Act 3

  • Spider Forest and Spider Cavern

  • Flayer Jungle and Flayer Dungeon

  • Kurast Bazaar, Ruined Temple, and Disused Fane

  • Kurast Sewers

  • Travincal

  • Durance of Hate

Act 4

  • Outer Steppes and Plains of Despair

  • River of Flame/City of Damned

  • Chaos Sanctuary

Act 5

  • Bloody Foothills

  • Frigid Highlands

  • Glacial Trial

  • Crystalline Passage and Frozen River

  • Arreat Plateau

  • Nihlathak’s Temple, Halls of Anguish, Halls of Pain, Halls of Vaught

  • Ancient’s Way and Icy Cellar

  • Worldstone Keep, Throne of Destruction, and Worldstone Chamber

But essentially once you have your Terror zone or the ability to make terror zones and you want to go to your Terror Zone, it changes every hour, so on the hour, every hour, it changes, if you type in slash terrorized, you can see which zone is currently on the list so we're currently Spider Forest and Spider Cavern, however, if we find a monster that's in the terror Zone, and we take a look at him you'll notice that he has a special Diablo sort of symbol by his name, so you notice the fetish has these little Diablo symbols on the left and the right of their name which indicates that they are terrorized,  what does terrorized mean exactly well that is also listed in the patch notes, so if you haven't taken a look at what terrorized means in the patch notes, it does specifically State what terrorized means for them. Here are the level details type per difficulty:


  • Standard Monsters: +2 player level up to 45

  • Champion: +4player level up to 47

  • Unique: +5 player level up to 48


  • Standard Monsters: +2 player level up to 71

  • Champion: +4 player level up to 73

  • Unique: +5 player level up to 74


  • Standard Monsters: +2 player level up to 96

  • Champion: +4 player level up to 98

  • Unique: +5 player level up to 99

How To Find Sunder Charms in D2R 2.5

When you kill monsters in normal and nightmare, difficulty, you cannot obtain the beautiful Sunder Charms, so the sunder charms are only obtainable in hell difficulty, and only when you kill one of those unique monsters, so it has to be a champion Elite or super unique monster and there is a chance that it will drop you a sunder charm, now so far the sunder charms have been very common, we've probably had another 30 to 40 drop and like between everybody in the kinship and you know people that we've met like it definitely seems like they are extremely common, now the bone Thunders for some reason are not as common as the others, the physical ones, so if you happen to find a physical one, especially a good physical one you probably might want to hang on to it another thing is that these roll, so they roll between  certain statistics, so you might want to keep your eyes on the fact that they are there are good ones and there are bad ones, so the resistances roll on the elemental ones between 70 to 90 percent, so 70 would be your perfect and 90 would be your anti-perfect and that goes for all of the elemental ones so poison lightning Fire and Ice the magic one which is relatively unwanted rolls between we think it's 40 to 65 or something like that it's not as great, and the physical sunder between 10 to 35 percent we think or 10 to 30, physical damage increase so what that means is you actually take more physical damage,   you are physically taking more damage when a monster hits you for having that physical sunder charm in your inventory,  you can cancel it out with physical damage reduction equipment like for instance we're wearing a crown of Ages which has a physical damage received reduced of 10 percent, if we were to put the Sunder charm on that it had a physical damage increased of 10 percent, we would cancel that out and we would return back to zero so remember that.


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