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Lost Ark Moake World Boss Guide: Where to find &How to defeat World Boss Moake
4/28/2022 11:24:37 AM

We've prepared this guide to help you defeat the Moake, one of the most difficult world bosses in the game, as it's recommended that you wait until you reach the Tier 2 of the end game to fight them and earn rewards. If you need to find Lost Ark Moake boss and defeat it, this guide is for you.



Where to find Moake in Lost Ark?


Although Moake is an optional Boss, you need to beat him to complete the Punika Adventurer's Tome. It's going to be a tough boss battle, but the booty you can get from Moake is worth the time and effort you spend fighting. Moake is located in the Tikatika Colony region of Punika. To get to this area, first travel to Punika by sea, then run north from the Aira Pond Triport. If you have problems finding Moake, click the server calendar and select the Lost Ark Moake event. Then, press the compass button, which displays the exact location of Moake on the map.


You also need to accept a quest to participate in killing them, which is called Raid: Moake. This can be found on the Procyon's Compass below the small map in a week. Finally, it is recommended that you wait until item level 1415 in Lost Ark, the last third tier, before trying to fight Moake. In the Lost Ark, the time and date when the world Boss is generated are predetermined. Therefore, when you open the activity date, check when Moake is generated on your server.


How to defeat World Boss Moake in Lost Ark


Because of their enormous power and health pool, you should only play against Lost Ark World bosses with other players. You don't need to be really tough, so long as other players hurt their weight, eventually, Moake will die.


They also have many attacks of concern during the three phases of the battle, so we will focus on each ability as well as Lost Ark gold, its effects, and ways to fight back or avoid damage.


  • Flash – produces a flash that stuns players in an AOE. The way to counter it or avoid damage: head toward the head or tail to avoid.

  • Caustic Fumes – creates fumes in a cone shape from both its tail and mouth. The way to counter it or avoid damage: dodge toward the sides of Moake.


  • Ground Slam – Jumps into the air before slamming down on the ground. The way to counter it or avoid damage: once Moake jumps, move backwards from the AOE.


  • Body Roll – curls into a ball and rolls forward, dealing damage to those hit. The way to counter it or avoid damage: A straight marker will appear which notes the roll direction, so just dodge to the side of it.


  • Tail Whip – swipes tail horizontally. The way to counter it or avoid damage: dodge back or head toward the tail.

  • Breath & Beam – shoots purple and green energy that veer to the left and right of them. The way to counter it or avoid damage: stay behind Moake.


  • Caustic Blast – Moake charges up before emitting a shock wave. The way to counter it or avoid damage: stay out of the red AOE by backing up or getting close.

  • Sun Blast – spots of light appear on the ground before exploding. The way to counter it or avoid damage: Stay away from the light shafts.

  • Freeze Flowers – summons four flowers surrounding the area which causes a freezing aura. The way to counter it or avoid damage: destroy the flowers and move sway from Moake to recover from freeze.

  • Freeze Beams – same as Breath & Beam, but the energy freezes you. The way to counter it or avoid damage: Stay behind Maoke.

  • Freeze Blast - Pushes freezing air out of their mouth that pushes back enemies. The way to counter it or avoid damage: Back away from the explosion zone, or can also stagger Moake out of it.

  • Flame Flowers - Summons four flowers that spit fireballs, and leave lava on the ground. The way to counter it or avoid damage: Destroy the flowers and avoid the lava pits afterwards.


  • Ball & Beam - Spits out fireballs that cause burning damage. The way to counter it or avoid damage: Stay behind Moake.


Rewards of Lost Ark Moake


Beating Moake for the first time will earn you a first kill bonus, and it will earn you a treasure case that promises to drop three epic pieces of equipment and fill the book with adventurers. You'll get some XP, money and a variety of random drops that you can get anytime you kill Moake. These are:


  • Battle Engraving Recipe (Legendary)

  • Battle Engraving Recipe (Epic)

  • Bleed (Legendary Rune)

  • Destruction Stone Crystal

  • Guardian Stone Crystal

  • Legendary Ability Stone

  • Legendary XP Card

  • Level One Annihilation Gem

  • Level One Crimson Flame Gem

  • Omnium Star 5

  • Solar Blessing (Bound)

  • Solar Grace (Bound)

  • Solar Protection (Bound)

  • Twisted Space Earrings

  • Twisted Space Ring

  • Twisted Time Earrings

  • Twisted Time Necklace

  • Twisted Time Ring


That's all for our guide on how to find the Lost Ark Moake world boss, and you know how to defeat them and what rewards you can earn.


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