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Lost Ark Sanguine Samurai Build Guide Level 150: Attributes, Equipment, Talismans & Gameplay Tips
4/7/2022 2:31:01 PM

If you’ve been looking for a build that incorporates the weapon Rivers of Blood, then this is the Rivers of Blood build you are looking for in Lost Ark. In this guide, we are showing you the best Lost Ark Sanguine Samurai build, a level 150 Rivers of Blood build for end game.


Lost Ark Rivers Of Blood Build Guide - How To Make A Sanguine Samurai At Level 150

This is an advanced build that takes place at level 150. Rivers of Blood is the weapon that we use for this build. This is obviously a very hyped weapon, lots of videos all over the internet about it. Because it deals with both physical and fire damage, scales off strength, dexterity, and arcane. However, it’s nice to have a range option sometimes, otherwise, you are a pure melee build, and you can add that if you want.


Lost Ark Sanguine Samurai Attributes

Vigor - 50

Mind - 30

Endurance - 18

Strength - 12

Dexterity - 48

Intelligence - 9

Faith - 15

Arcane - 50

50 vigor is there to help keep you alive, you're not going to be wearing the heaviest armor with this build and you're going to take hits because you're going to be really hyper-aggressive with this build trying to proc bleeding on bosses and enemies mashing l2 a lot. So it's good to be able to take hits and still swing through them and live while you kill enemies. 30 mind is there because you need a good size fp pool in order to play around with corpse piler all the time, otherwise, you're going to be struggling and your potions right aren't going to go very far. 18 endurance is there to give you some more stamina. 48 dexterity is there just increasing the damage with Corpse Piler as well as increasing your damage with the weapon itself. 15 faith is there to meet the requirements for Flame Grant Me Strength. 50 Arcane is a pretty good spot for damage either with spell casting or with weapon attacks.


Lost Ark Rivers Of Blood Build Equipment

Weapons - Rivers Of Blood

Rivers Of Blood is extremely strong. Even though arcane is only descaling here, you'll actually come out ahead by putting points in arcane, in order to increase the blood loss buildup meaning that you're going to set the hemorrhage status effect even faster which is one of the great things about bleed builds. Putting points in the arcade is not only better for your damage with this weapon but also better for your bleed build-up is a win-win. Its damage actually increases with the weapon level as well as the scaling from your arcane and dexterity, so cranking these which you're going to do anyway. Benefits this build immensely. 


Skills: The Corpse Piler skill itself is a little unique but not completely. If you use the double slash ability on the Uchikatana, you basically get the same moveset. However you do actually more bleed build up and more damage with Corpse Piler, even though the weapon itself when compared to the Nagakiba and Uchikatana at the same upgrade status with having the blood affinity set on both those weapons is higher by the default on those weapons. The weapon ability actually sets the status effect faster, so it actually increases the blood loss buildup than your regular attacks with Rivers of Blood. Also what's really good about the Corpse Piler weapons skill is that it has better range, it has further range and it allows you to cue this weapon art up faster. 


Combos: As enemies approach you so that you can get into the meat of it the first couple of swings are slower and the next three are much faster. Sometimes you want to preemptively swing that first one even though, you're going to miss with the first swing because you want to get into that second combo because it deals a lot more damage and is far more likely to trigger the hemorrhage status effect. One of the things about this combo is it doesn't stagger enemies hardly at all, so you're not going to go for staggers with this Lost Ark Rivers of Blood build and you're relying on that hemorrhage proc to sort of interrupt an enemy's attack, while you then go into another combo with this ability.

Getting into that second combo is what's going to guarantee that you proc hemorrhage. If you don't get it in two hits and the enemy doesn't stagger. If you're point-blank, you're going to take damage. But if you miss the first one hit, the second one, and then get two more hits real quick before you swing and you interrupt him with that slight interruption from getting the hemorrhage to proc. Then you're safe and then you'll hit one more time and you can do your finishing animation for even more damage.


Left Hand Armaments - Sacrificial Axe

Sacrificial Axe consumes fb like crazy, you're going to be using it all the time. The regular r1 attack with this weapon like you shouldn't be using it unless you absolutely have to, you should be going with Corpse Piler as much as you can and the Sacrificial Axe being in our off-hand even though we don't use it or meet the requirements for it gives us 4 fp with every skill we have. This is going to help you know give you fp back that's going to allow you to use this ability much more frequently.


Left Hand Armaments - Finger Seal

WE also have a seal for the Lost Ark best Sanguine Samurai build which one you use isn't particularly important and you don't really need to upgrade it. Because we're using just Flame Grant Me Strength which is a default bonus, it doesn't change no matter what your stats are and that's to get additional physical and fire damage for tough fights for 30 seconds. 


Spells - Golden Vow

If you're going to take this build higher, you're putting 10 more points into faith, getting 25 faith and using Golden Vow to boost your damage by a further 15%. Then you will investing 10 more points into dexterity and arcane however you want. Because the damage is really starting to drop off at this point per point investment in those stats. That doesn't mean you can't continue to crank those moving up but you'll probably want to get to 25 faith first and then continue cranking decks in arcane.


Lost Ark Rivers Of Blood Build Armors

Okina Mask

What armor you use for this level 150 Rivers of Blood build in Lot Ark isn't super important as long as you can medium roll. Okina Mask increases your dexterity by plus 3which is just great and also sort of fits the samurai theme. The other option is the White Mask which increases your attack rating by 10% for 20 seconds when something around you suffers from blood loss. If you want to get absolutely all damage you can get out of this build, you're going to want to use White Mask.


Lost Ark Rivers Of Blood Build Talisman

Rotten Winged Sword Insignia

Rotten Winged Sword Insignia is sort of an upgraded version of the Wing Sword Insignia. It increases your attack power by more percentage and you attack very quickly with Corpse Piler. So this builds up really fast and increases your damage a lot. 


Millicent’s Prosthesis

You can also use Millicent’s Prosthesis if you have this one instead. This increases your dexterity by plus 5 and gives you the same benefit of the Winged Sword Insignia which doesn't boost your attack power as rapidly or as much as the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia but it gives you the extra 5 dexterity. However as you get higher and higher levels that 5 dexterity gets less and less useful as the damage falls off as the scaling of dexterity starts to taper off. Something interesting is you can actually use both of these together if you have both. The only way to do is to have someone drop you one of them and to do the quest line one way to get the other one, so you can actually slot them both at the same time which is extremely powerful but probably most people won't have that. 


Carian Filigreed Crest

Carian Filigreed Crest is there to reduce the cost of Corpse Piler so that you can use it as your default attack by having enough fp between that and sacrificial acts. You'll probably want to swap this out during boss fights, because it's not beneficial there at all for the green turtle talisman. One of the issues with this build is that your combo just eats stamina, so you need your stamina to replenish quickly or you're going to have difficulty. Now it doesn't really matter when you're out on the landscape and you're fighting a couple of enemies at a time, because you usually kill them long before you have stamina problems. But you're in a boss fight and you're trying to mash l2 and get as many attacks off as you can. Having that faster stamina regen is going to let you attack more often and is going to boost your overall DPS.


Shard of Alexander

Shard of Alexander is there to boost the damage of Corpse Piler by another 15%. You want to use this ability as your default attack. Because boosting that damage is fantastic.


Lord Of Blood’s Exultation

Lord Of Blood’s Exultation is a natural choice here as well. It boosts your overall attack rating by 20% for 20 seconds when something around you suffers from blood loss. This is constantly so this is going to boost your damage significantly. 


Lost Ark Sanguine Samurai Gameplay Tips

It's very important to learn to start your combos sometimes before enemies get to you knowing even that that first attack will miss. Ideally, you would be in a situation where that's not the case, but sometimes hyper-aggressive enemies it's better off to miss the first attack and land the next three than it is to hit the first two attacks and then take damage and not be able to finish your combo. If you can get the middle three attacks off, you'll sort of interrupting them with a hemorrhage proc that'll allow you to keep attacking. This isn't always the case though sometimes big enemies are really aggressive, getting up in their chest and making them swing over you while you do your combo is the best strategy. So learn to play that way if you're fighting big enemies as well, get up as close as you can, and sometimes they'll just swing right over you. 


If you're going to be using the Flask of Wondrous Physick for a boss or a hard area of the game, the best thing you can do is using the one that increases your stamina recovery. You need that stamina to come back quickly, so you can combo over and over and over. That's really important. Thorny Cracked Tear also increases the damage you deal when you make consecutive attacks. The fire damage you do with this weapon isn't so high that the flame one is super beneficial.


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