In this Elden Ring Best Armor Set Guide, we're going to check about the Top 8 best armor sets that look absolutely gorgeous and come with great stats you can get quite early in the game.
Top 8 Elden Ring Best Early Game Armor Sets: Farm Locations & How To Get These Best Armors?
The one thing you look at more than anything else in Elden Ring is your own characters, and the main thing that changes how this character looks is armor. Every class has its own starting armor but past that most armor that you will find in Elden Ring will be hidden away in crevices and corners waiting for you to explore and find them. So if you are still trying to find your personal outfit of choice, today is the day to rejoice today.
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1. Sage Armor Set
This red cloth style covering your entire body will provide a fair amount more protection than base magic class armors give you, and while you're at it it looks pretty snazzy too as basic as it is.
Sage Farm Location (How To Get It): In order to grab the sage armor set for yourself, head to the Stillwater cave, this is located right at the bottom of the lake directly in front of the Lake Facing Cliffs Site of Grace at the southern tip of Lyrinia. While traveling through this cave, between two poisoned sorcerers will be an offshoot path of the cave, if you follow this, it will go to a room with a corpse inside of a poison pool. Carrying the Sage armor set right for the taking.
2. Finger Maiden Armor Set
The Finger Maiden outfit isn't particularly statistically impressive in any way, but it does make you look exactly like a finger maiden which is perfect for any young cosplayer's collection.
Finger Maiden Farm Location (How To Get It): In order to get the Finger Maiden armor set, head to the very northeast of Lyrinia, just before the Grand Elevator, and instead take a right turn up the hill. Wind yourself through the village here and up the cliffside until you arrive at the Church of Inhibition, a fake invader will spawn. You can choose to ignore him and run past to grab the loot including Elden Ring runes if you so choose, but this will prevent you from using the Sight of Grace that is located here.
3. Cleanrot Armor Set
Cleanrot Set is an absolutely beautiful metal plate armor set with red and white cloth bits hanging off. Relatively speaking, this armor set is extremely strong for the time that you can get it in the game. But the method to achieve it is equally involved compared to many armor sets including the ones in this post, as this is one that involves farming a singular enemy type, the specific enemy used in this case can be found at the Inner Aeonia Sites of Grace.
Finger Maiden Robe Farm Location (How To Get It): In order to get the Cleanrot set, just head east from the Highway until you find it, from here travel west a couple of islands, kill the mobs who spawns, run over the next hill, and then kill the one who spawns there. Just further ahead is another one, then another one who spawns around the corner, and then sometimes the fifth one spawns just a little bit forward as well. These mobs do a fair bit of damage but are significantly weak to blood magic, so if you have any blood-based Ashes of War, you'll have a pretty easy time relatively speaking. Once you have killed these four to five enemies on the path, fast travel back to the Sight of Grace and repeat every time you kill one of these enemies, they have a chance to drop you either their sword, their scythe or one of the four pieces of their armor set. Spend enough time in killing them and you'll get the full armor set complete for yourself.
4. Twinned Armor Set
Twinned Armor Set is exactly the same one that the hunter uses back at the round table. It is a more heavy type of armor that also has some pretty good stats early on and it also looks quite amazing with that thing sticking out of you, so definitely something worth checking.
Twinned Armor Farm Location (How To Get It): Now there are multiple ways in which you can acquire this even including fighting D (Hunter of the Dead) himself if you screw up the questline. But the way we recommend is to get it is that: After finishing the three main bosses in the game, go back to the roundtable and talk to Fia in one of these side rooms. After doing the creepy hugs, she eventually will exhaust her dialogues if you do this repeatedly and up until this point where she talks about a certain dagger - the Weathered Dagger, that she also gives in your inventory. What you will do in this case is to bring that dagger back to D (Hunter of the Dead) and talk about that dagger with him. And once you've done that, teleport back at the roundtable and you're going to find a new area opened in the back where they, unfortunately, will be sitting unconscious and well in this case completely and utterly dead. Once you kind of do that you're going to be able to loot the entire armor set from his body.
5. Carian Knight Armor Set
Carian Knight Armor Set has decent stats but nothing insane, this one is much more for the look of it which is pretty cool giving you this beautiful aesthetic of a glintstone battle mage if you so desire.
Carian Knight Set Farm Location (How To Get It): Carian KnightArmor Set is in Reya Lucaria Academy which you progress to in the main story of the game, not far from the Church of the Cuckoo Site of Grace through the Graveyard, is a sort of water wheel elevator contraption. If you ignore this and instead hug the wall to your right and jump down, then follow a short rocky path to your left, you'll find a few zombies in front of a Gravestone with some loot on it.
6. Raptor's Black Feathers Armor Set
Raptor's Black Feather Chest piece along with the Skeletal Mask Helmet, the helmet is more of a matching flavor piece but the chest piece has an actual active effect boosting the damage of your jump attacks. Together these pieces are undeniably quite edgy but this is definitely just another style for another type of person.
Raptor's Black Feathers Farm Location (How To Get It): First things first, you have to get to the Eldest Plateau Region from the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace, head directly north until you hit a cliff face turn due east from there, and follow it until you see a cave entrance, follow the cave downwards breaking the illusion walls until you hit a waterfall, follow the wall watching for the crevice on your left, break the illusion wall that's in the back of that. Revealing two chests, each of these holding one of the two armor pieces.
7. Bloodhound Knight Armor Set
Bloodhound Knight Set is the armor of a familiar enemy type in Elden Ring, these show up as bosses early on and then as more standard enemies a bit further in, and now you can wear their entire armor set yourself. Statistically, it is more or less average leaning more towards physical defense than magical defense itself.
8. Gelmir Knight Armor Set
Gelmir Knight Set boasts a particularly long helmet, if you like having a long head then this is definitely the one for you. Statistically, it is actually quite decent for the weight that the armor has.
Bloodhound Knight & Gelmir Knight Farm Location (How To Get It): As for how to get both of these armor sets, it is a bit of a long process. First head to the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace in Altus Plateau, from here go northeast up the hill past the Ancient Dragon enemy, you can just run right past it if you want. Then on your right is a sight of grace, grab it then instead turn north and head up the hill to Windham Ruins. On the western side of these ruins is the start of a river. Follow this river forward sticking to the left side wall as long as you physically can, along this pathway you will come across more than one boss encounter that you can either choose to fight or skip depending on how you feel in the moment. Eventually, you will reach the Hermit Village, behind the Hermit Village is the Primeval Sorcerer Azur Site of Grace. From here, go north along this rock and jump the gap then head into this big stone structure on the other side, welcome to the Gelmir Hero's Grave dungeon, inside of here are a load of skeletons, some bandits, a fire trap, a chariot trap and a ton of lava. However, it looks way more imposing than it actually is, mostly because there is a significant shortcut to the goal that we have here today ourselves. From the top, run straight down to the second alcove, then wait for the chariot to pass you and run down another two alcoves and wait again. Once the chariot passes you once more, drop down as tightly into the close corner as you can, this will put you on some wooden rafters, from here drop down to the diagonal wooden rafters, turn around and very slowly notice that there is an open window that you can jump inside of. Down the ladder in here is a bloodhound knight, defeat him and he'll drop his own armor set for you to take. Once he's dead, loot the corpse behind him and you'll also get yourself the Gelmir Knight Armor Set.