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How to Level Void Gauntlet to 20 Fast in New World - New World Void Gauntlet Leveling Tips
11/20/2021 11:52:00 AM

Void Gauntlet is a powerful magic weapon in New World that can do both damages and heal, which makes it an excellent option for NW builds. If you want to level up your Void Gauntlet to 20, there is something you should know first. How to level Void Gauntlet to 20 fast? Find the best location for that. 

Related Read: New World Trophy Guide

How to Level Void Gauntlet to 20 Fast in New World - New World Void Gauntlet Leveling Tips

Check out the below New World Void Gauntlet leveling tips by Demone Kim, maybe you can get your Void Gauntlet to level 20 faster and waste less time. Cheap New World gold for purchasing powerful weapons is on sale at utplay.com now, 100% safe and reliable. 

The Void Gauntlet is extremely vulnerable to or against Lost or Zombie type mobs; unfortunately, many of the best weapon XP zones in the game are The Lost, so you must find an area that is as efficient or close to being as efficient as those areas, which were Monarch's Bluffs at Deadman's Cove, a great place in the game to level weapons. Then there's Rustler Shore with the forts where you can simply collect a ton of monsters and chain, but since both of these places are all Lost and they're incredibly powerful against Void Gauntlet, it's highly inefficient in terms of kill time and speed, which will slow down your leveling as well. 

Therefore, this limits our choice of ancient mobs, which are basically the skeletons, you can find throughout Mourningdale, hit these camps up, especially if you are doing chess routes as well because the Mourningdale chess route is really phenomenal for finding trophy mats. So you can hit these little camps in these little towers, they have skeletons, if you kind of come over, there's like a little hole in the wall around this area that you can basically crawl prone through, and it'll take you into like this tunnel underneath all of this, and there's a bunch of skeletons and stuff in there, use at your own discretion.

Ancients tend to hit quite hard, especially if you're rocking a lower HP when you're trying to figure out your build with the Void Gauntlet as you're trying to level it, so just be aware if you can find your pattern in your rhythm with the ancients, then you will be fine. Be aware of now if you want to make this easy mode, the place for settling on is Great Cleave, north of Brightwood and south of Shattered Mountain.

If you head over to this location, there's the quest in Great Cleave, before actually taking you to this area, down here in the Frozen Claims, and then all throughout here to do these quests. But in this area, the respawn time here is just so fast on these monsters, and you can basically chain all these together kill multiple at a time, if you're leveling here, it should maybe take you two to four hours depending on what you're doing if you're doing the solo to level up your Void Gauntlet to 20. However, if you're going to be running with people, then the thing about you not being able to kill Lost enemies will go away, and then you can go anywhere in the game by all means.  

new world Great Cleave

(Image from New World Wiki)

However, it's recommended to focus on elite areas that you can kill fast, go to higher level 60+ zones and do like Myrkgard or Pirates and stuff for like weapon XP, but you have to look at the speed and the frequency of kill, if you are trying to level this up as fast as possible, still trying to get all the stuff together to start the legendary weapon quest for the Void Gauntlet, there was an NPC that had a complete request. Overall, if you are looking for a solid place, the Great Cleave is absolutely amazing.


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