We are all aware of how hard it can be to try to play one-on-one defense in this game at the best of times. Check out this guide with showing top 7 must-have defensive badges to lockdown in NBA 2K21, we help you be able to improve ability to do those things but also play team defense efficiently. You could still be a two-way player in this guide and still make the plays.
Top 7 NBA 2K21 Best Defensive Badges To Lockdown
NBA 2K21 defensive badges are incredibly overpowered which will help with stopping your matchup in unlikely situations and that is why these best lockdown badges 2K21 are needed. Some of the best defense badges in 2k21 are rim protector, intimidator and clamps and we will help show you how to get defensive badges fast NBA 2K21 current gen & next gen.
1. Pickpocket
A lot of people use this badge like especially lockdowns they use. This badge is going to increase the chances of a steal and reduce the chances of a foul when attempting to strip the ball from a ball-handler, also improves the chances of a successful layup strip. That also allows you to strip people when they try to get contact dunks. One thing about this badge is it’s gonna stop people from getting call for fouls if you just spamming a lot. So pickpocket is definitely one of the best badges in the game for the defensive badges.
2. Chase Down Artist
We know what this badge is capable of especially just to get that speed boost in those full court 5v5 type games or those times where people just blow right by you and get a chance to recover.
3. Rim Protector
For a guard, if you have interior defense, this badge is just going to help you contest a lot of those crazy layups or even some of those dunks that happen at the rim. This will save you in a lot of situations.
4. Clamps
This is a must have defensive badge for every player. It allows you to be the guy that meets your opponent at the top of key, slap the floor, and put an end to their night! In all seriousness, Clamps is the best 1v1 defender badge to equip in NBA 2K21 if you are facing players that specialize in blowbys and fancy footwork to get to the rim.
5. Pick Dodger
This is the badge that is very necessary because a lot of people use screens. This badge improves the players ability to navigate through and around screens while on defense. It allows you to slide through screens and stuff like that. Now this badge in comparison to NBA 2K20, it works a lot better but it’s not nearly as overpowered as a badge like Brick Wall.
6. Intimidator
This is going to be the badge that gets you the best shot contest possible for guards and this is going to make shooting more difficult for your opponent.
While Intimidator is a bit more popular on interior players, wing defenders can effectively utilize the Intimidator badge as well. Inside, this will significantly lower an opponent’s ability to make shots with a less than optimum shot rating. On the perimeter, this can seriously impact contested jumpers as well.
7. Off Ball Pest
Underrated and Underappreciated. Stops the movement of your opponent off-ball and drains their energy. Can literally kill any off-ball movement and force bad passes and turnovers.
Fastest Way To Get Defensive Badges In NBA 2K21
Many people struggle on how to get defensive badges 2k21, here’s exactly how to get defensive rebounding badges 2k21.
The best way to get defensive badges is to bait your opponent into driving and then running at them to get a good contest or even block:
1. Always get the boards. It's so easy to get 5 rebounds per game which are free badge progression.
2. Whenever the ball handler is on a fast break or just brings up the ball run at them and try to get a bump steal, you can’t be in the center of the ball handler, you need to be off to the side where the ball is on.
3. If your opponent does get the offensive rebound, do not hang your head, this is a perfect opportunity to get a block and get a ton of progression. Very few players can just rise up and it on you. So if you just time your job perfectly, you can easily get a block on their super soft layup.
If you wish to be the lockdown defender on the court, be sure to equip these badges, the best NBA 2K21 badges on defense, and level them up as soon as possible.