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Lost Ark other Items
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Guardian's Record
Guardian's Record
  • A record of Vairgrys, a Guardian who was in deep sleep in North Vern during the Chain War.
    The shaky handwriting reads,
    "I then saw the horizon firing up. At first I tried to run away as quickly as possible, thinking the disastrous Chain War was about to break out all over again. But soon, all I could do was stand in awe of the giant shadow in the sky. The thing slowly landed on the field and raised its head, gleaming with otherworldly luster. Soft, bluish rays of light were dancing in the air, as if blessing its arrival in the world. The Guardian named Vairgrys then started to disappear into the air. What I witnessed, it felt like a dream, one that I can never hope to have again."

    Right-click to add to the Adventurer's Tome.

  • Cannot be dismantled

  • [Continent] North Vern


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