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Top 9 Unique Helms In Diablo 2 Resurrected - Best Powerful Helms For Builds Patch 2.5 D2R
8/23/2022 4:19:33 PM

In today’s guide, we're going to be taking a look at some of the top unique helmets in Diablo 2 Resurrected, these helms are really useful and powerful for the upcoming patch 2.5 builds.  

Best Powerful Helms For Builds Patch 2.5 D2R

Best Unique Helms In Diablo 2 Resurrected - Powerful Helmet Runes For 2.5 Builds

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, helms are a popular slot for one-of-a-kind D2R items due to their dual functions as a form of defense and a cosmetic alteration. Unique helms are utilized by a wide variety of characters and can significantly improve the player's abilities in a variety of builds. Now check these 10 best unique helms in Diablo 2 Resurrected which you can use for patch 2.5 builds. 

1. Andariel’s Visage

Andariel's Visage

Andariel's VisageDefense: 310-387 (varies)(Base Defense: 101-154)
Required Level: 83
Required Strength: 102
Durability: 20
+100-150% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+2 To All Skills
20% Increased Attack Speed
8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
+25-30 To Strength (varies)
+10% To Maximum Poison Resist
Fire Resist -30%
Poison Resist +70%
15% Chance To Cast Level 15 Poison Nova When Struck
Level 3 Venom (20 charges)
(Ladder Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

This one +2 to all skills, 15% chests to cast a little 15 poison over instruct, this is a great one for Emilio, he gets a 20% increased attack speed, he gets a life steal, he gets additional strength to help him potentially equip some bigger armor, that'll let them a big equip bigger armor. The downside of this is that you get -30 fire resistance, some players like to socket this with a ruby or a towel rune that gives you a 30 fire resistance to help offset. We can socket all of merc helms with a cham rune to prevent merc from getting frozen, that is such a powerful thing for him to be able to never get frozen and slowed down. Andariel’s Visage good for mercenary is good for melee classes, 20% increased attack speed, life steal per hit, none of that's bad things two to all skills, Andariel’s Visage is an awesome helm.

2. Blakhorn’s Face 

It can be used to slow your target by 20%, but the main thing about this is that 20 to lightning absorb, that could potentially nullify and turn into healing most lightning damage if you have about 85 lightning resist, 20 to lightening resorb will basically turn black souls into healing clerics for you instead of murderous devastators of all life and humanity.

3. Crown of Ages

Crown of Ages

Crown of AgesDefense: 349-399 (varies)(Base Defense: 111-165)
Required Level: 82
Required Strength: 174
+50% Enhanced Defense
+100-150 Defense (varies)
+1 To All Skills
Damage Reduced By 10-15% (varies)
All Resistances +20-30 (varies)
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
Socketed (1-2) (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

It comes with a very nice high defense, +1 skills can roll with one or two open sockets, this is all hero edited perfect examples of the gear you will be seeing, so you may not roll as high. In fact, you're very unlikely to roll as high, but it is good regardless, even a bad version of the crown of ages is still good, that being said it can roll with one or two open sockets, one to all skills, 30 to all resistances, you could potentially socket this with two arm runes giving it a total of like 65 to all resistance. The cool thing about this also is that 15% damage reduction, so you could take crown of ages, combine that with your storm shield. Then you have 50% physical damage reduction which is the maximum, so that's just a very defensive crown with a lot of potential things you could stick into the sockets depending on your needs.

4. Crown of Thieves

Crown of Thieves

Crown of ThievesDefense: 296-342 (varies)(Base Defense: 78-113)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 103
Durability: 50
+160-200% Enhanced Defense (varies)
9-12% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Fire Resist +33%
+35 To Mana
+50 To Life
+25 To Dexterity
80-100% Extra Gold From Monsters (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)

This is also a good item for emilio because it has up to 12% life stolen per hit, a nice little bonus to life and mana as well instead of taking away fire resistance, this one actually gives you fire resistance. For the most part, you should have your emilio pretty tippity-topping it out, in his resistances, that's not too hard to accomplish, extra gold find, not a bad thing, if you're trying to stack for a travincal run character that wants to gamble as much as possible and get more gold from the council. 

5. Darksight Helm

Darksight Helm

Darksight HelmDefense: (77-273) - (86-282) (varies)(Base Defense: 75-84)
Required Level: 38
Required Strength: 82
Durability: 30
+ (2 Per Character Level) 2-198 Defense (Based On Character Level)
6% Chance To Cast Level 3 Dim Vision When Struck
Level 5 Cloak of Shadows (30 Charges)
Cannot Be Frozen
Fire Resist +20-40% (varies)
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
-4 To Light Radius
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)

This one is not too bad because it has a 5% mana stolen, it also has cannot be frozen which is a useful little mod, you can cast a level five cloak of shadows on yourself. This is sort of your mid range option, cannot be frozen mod is useful, a little bit of fire resist, a little bit of mana steal, there's a few useful things for kind of leveling up. 

6. Nightwing’s Veil

Nightwing's Veil

Nightwing's VeilDefense: 304-352 (varies)(Base Defense: 114-159)
Required Level: 67
Required Strength: 96
Durability: 40
+90-120% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+2 To All Skills
+8-15% To Cold Skill Damage (varies)
+10-20 To Dexterity (varies)
+5-9 Cold Absorb (varies)
Half Freeze Duration
Requirements -50%
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

This one is cool because it has cold absorb, it increases cold skill damage by 15% best case scenario and 2 to all skills, half freeze duration, a little bit of dexterity to boot. So if you're stacking up for some block, that's not a bad thing. Nightwing’s Veil for pumping out more cold damage, there's no better helm than Nightwing’s Veil.

7. Kira’s Guardian

Kira's Guardian

Kira's GuardianDefense: 90-170 (varies)(Base Defense: 40-50)
Required Level: 77
Durability: 25
+50-120 Defense (varies)
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cannot Be Frozen
All Resistances +50-70 (varies)
(Ladder Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

It also has the cannot be frozen mod which can be pretty helpful but also 70. This is sort of your mid-range early hell option new ladder season, you're needing some defenses to survive hell, you need to put some resistance on your mercenary, Kira’s Guardian can give a lot of defenses.

8. Harlequin Crest

Harlequin Crest

Harlequin CrestDefense: 98-141 (varies)
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 12
+2 To All Skills
+ (1.5 Per Character Level) 1-148 To Life (Based On Character Level)
+ (1.5 Per Character Level) 1-148 To Mana (Based On Character Level)
Damage Reduced By 10%
50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+2 To All Attributes
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.09 or later)

This is probably the most famous and popular item in the games, it's good for every single character class, there's no character that can hate this too much is it always best in slot. There's really no case where this wouldn't be good plus due to all skills and a huge amount of life and mana depending on your character level. It's something like 1.5% per to life and mana per level also damage reduction. So if you want to stack up physical damage reduction, you've got some damage reduction on the shaco and socketed, you can get this up to 70%. 

9. Giant Skull

Giant Skull

Giant SkullDefense: 350-477 (varies)(Base Defense: 100-157)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 106
Durability: 40
+250-320 Defense (varies)
10% Chance Of Crushing Blow
+25-35 to Strength (varies)
Socketed (1-2) (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

This is mainly for that crushing blow, if you're looking to stack up crushing blow, this is one of the items that you may need to help you do that to get up to 100% crushing blow knockbacks, you also have a huge amount of defense, huge amount of strength, you can add some potentially up to two sockets.

More Diablo 2 Items About This Article
Andariels Visage Details
Crown of Ages Details
Crown of Thieves Details
Darksight Helm Details
Nightwings Veil Details
Kiras Guardian Details
Harlequin Crest Details
Giant Skull Details

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