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New World Best Houses To Buy - Top 4 Best House Locations In New World
11/10/2021 2:33:23 PM

What's the best location to buy your house in New World? What are the best houses in New World? When you get to the late game because while you're leveling, you should probably flex things depending on where you are going most personally. Therefore set your end to the spot that you keep going back to level at. Also, you’d better consider buying a home in a territory that's going to be good for you to level and get to a place that's far away. Today, we are going to share the best house to buy in New World for efficiency, and easy travel for the end game!


New World Housing Guide - Top 4 Best House Locations In New World

While leveling, the first best New World house location you want to have a home in Brightwood. It is a cheap and best New world house to buy because it not only gives you access to a level 20 to 30 zone, but also it gets you anywhere you want to go on the map beside the starter towns. Most of the time your faction will own one of these starting towns at least, so you will be able to teleport to whichever one your faction chooses or has possession of. Then you'll get cheap and fast travel there. That's why you want to make use of the home up in Brightwood. 

While leveling, you probably will only have enough New World gold to purchase one house. But once you get up there, you're going to need two more houses. The reason why is because each house you get comes with five trophy slots and these trophy slots are massive. Due to the fact that they do a lot for you.

Below are the top 4 best NW house locations

Top 1 Best New World House - Top Ebon Scale Reach

There are three zones you want to have a house in the end game. The first zone is going to be Ebon Scale Reach. The reason why you want to have a house here is because of these 65 portals that spawn in the area. It's hard to get to and you're going to complete them fast. However, the azo staff is not currently working, so no one can do that at the moment. 

There's also another location called the Imperial Palace which is a good farm spot, especially for cooking ingredients. If you want any tier 5 recipes this is the place to go there are massive provision crates and stockpiles. You will get these best in the slot and the best in-game recipes going in this area. It's also got a bunch of high-level elites which is going to be part of your normal in-game farming route. Therefore, you're going to want to consider a home in Eben Scale Reach.


Top 2 Best New World House - House Optional Bright/Main Town

The second house on the NW best house list, you basically have an option in some major town like Everfall Town or Windsword for fast travel. But it doesn't offer much only gives you some storage space with the storage Chest. If you own Everfall, it's not going to cost you a lot of New World gold to get there. If your faction owns it, it's not going to cost you a lot either. Therefore, you want another house in another location.


Top 3 Best New World House - Reekwater Houses

Reekwater is one of the best in-game zones in the New World. On one hand, Reekwater has a food cart which no other town has. Basically, if you go to this food cart, you will get rare cooking ingredients to include spices, seasoned blends, cooking oil, fish oil, and more stuff that's super hard to find. On the other hand, there are three in-game zones in this area, which are level 96 portals. 

The first one is the Eternal Pool which is the protector's arena. The second one is going to be the Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition. You will need to teleport there to get those quickly once the portals come Online, once you know tier five azoth staff is unlocked and fixed that you will be competing for these portals. And you're going to get them fast and they're going to take a while to spawn around 30 or 45-minute timer. If you don't get there, you can't get your tuning word components and materials. 

Do keep in mind that all these fast travels to the homes require they have no weight limit to their cost, so you can stock up on full stuff and then transfer back to like your destination for a super cheap price. 


Use these three points that are centric to get you to end-game locations. Then using whatever main town your faction owns as of the main trading hub. You will teleport back to that manually. These are going to be what's going to be the best locations for your house in New World. As for the house inside of the zone is completely up to you.  If you have a bunch of cash and you can shell out for the one that you like the most. Or you choose cheap homes on the strategic level to get the teleports that you need. 


Top 4 Best New World House - Inn Placement Shattered Mountain

The best place you can put your inn is in Mountainhome Outpost because it is the hardest part place in the game to get to. It's going to cost you a lot to fast travel up and there's no discount.  Because none of these territories can be claimed. Therefore, Inn Placement Shattered Mountain is going to be your best teleport for in-game farming. 

The scorched mines are here which have tons of voy calcium and it's also going to have level 64 of 65 opponents in here that are going to give you the highest watermark gear drops. It's also close to Myrkgard which is the highest level zone in the game. Along with the sirens area which also has 65 portals in it and it has a ton of level 65 even some 66 high-level monsters that'll increase your watermark a lot. Plus the basic portals that are just around the map. Once everybody catches up to 60 on your server and starts kicking into gear.



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