This the part two of our breakdown for the brand new attribute rating system in NBA 2K21 Next Gen. We categorize the attribute ratings in NBA 2K21 Next Gen, into 7 tiers: S, A, B, C, D, E, F. From 3 point to driving dunk, even useless ratings like a free throw. In this article, we are going to talk about the Tier C, D, E, F in Next Gen 2K21. If you don't want to waste your badges on these attributes, then keep watching!
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NBA 2K21 Next Gen Best Attribute Ratings Part One - Top Tier Attribute Ratings in Next Gen 2K21
C Tier #1 Interior Defense
Interior defense is ridiculously expensive however there is still have a point in upgrading it. It is super effective in stopping you from getting contact dunked on. it's just super expensive in comparison to something like strength, that's super cheap when it comes to your overall points. From our point of view, it just takes away from a lot of the attribute upgrades that you can make, but if you're the demigod power forward builds. but if we're just looking at this from a balance standpoint, where we're not looking at the badges, that get upgraded with the ratings or how much the ratings cost toward your overall, just the rating itself, the interior defense is pretty solid. this definitely belongs to C Tier, if you're a point guard, it’s very easy to upgrade this and not have it affect your overall.
C Tier #2 Offensive Rebound
Offensive rebound is going to be slightly less important than the defensive rebound, no matter what the situation is, because especially in this game where almost everybody can shoot, it's not going to be very often that you have the traditional inside bigs that are going to be set in the screens, always rolling toward the hoop, always crashing for offensive rebounds. typically in this game, you're going to see a lot of people doing the pick and pops, and staying away from their guard, when they drive or shoot. Still, it is a very good attribute rating to be had, but it does go unnoticed in a lot of situations, especially in this super heavy ISO game, where if you are a point guard who’s going to be doing a lot of driving kicking, that would be a whole different story. because a lot of these PGs, a lot of these people who think they want to ISO, they don't upgrade offensive rebound very high, that would be an unwise move, same goes vertical, like you'll be a complete ISO beast when it comes to shooting threes, getting yourself open, driving dunk and contact dunking on people, but then the same exact people don't upgrade offensive rebound as far as they can, and they don't upgrade vertical anything past like 70, only maxed out driving dunk, those people ignored the fact that when you go in, you drive and kick and you kick out to your teammate, the person that you're rebounding against probably has the maxed out offensive rebound and vertical, you could miss easily. So it’s definitely an attribute rating worth having especially if you're a big man.
C Tier #3 Steel
We notice that a lot of people disregarded steel on their build, but steel actually is useful for on-ball stealing. and what comes with it is pick pocket. you can make a really big impact when it comes to reaching in on people this year, having like 84 steel and gold pickpocket you will feel tremendously powerful, especially in this game where it's all about you know having to guard somebody for 24 seconds to get contact dunked on at the very end of the shot clock, or make some crazy green on, or just make some white. It can help you to be able to make plays and to make an impact when it comes to being a quick playmaker on defense.
C Tier #4 Standing Dunk
Standing dunk is kind of goes hand in hand with the close shot, if you have close shot on 25, we would suggest you definitely have standing dunk upgraded. In this game, you can get a lot of standing dunks, whether t's ISO where you sit below the basket and wait for your opponent to jump and fly right past, you can go up to standing dunk or situations like in the pick and rolls, you're catching the ball below the basket go right up with it, either way. the whole point is standing dunk can bail you out in a lot of situations where it is going to hurt you.
C Tier #5 Driving Layup
You can have driving layup on really high just for the sake of the finishing badges in general. It is a solid attribute rating that can protect you from getting hurt in a lot of situations, such as when you can't get contact dunks because in this game, contact dunk is crucial, unlike the 2k21 at all. 2k21 was so much about hop dunking, where you needed the long athlete, but this year you don't even need the long athlete or the layup animations to get you into the transitions of hop dunks or euro dunks. So in conclusion, this might not be as high as a lot of you guys might think, but it is definitely doesn't belong to anything lower than the C Tier.
D Tier #1 Strength
Strength is relatively a very cheap attribute rating, it rarely cost a whole overall, so no reason to not upgrade it in the first place. it's actually very useful in the sense of perimeter defense. If you are a pretty good defender in this game, probably have to give some credits to strength for the most part. It prevents you from getting bodied up, it also helps you stop people from getting to the hoop, essentially to where you can body them up and actually make contact with them to prevent getting contact dunked on. and then obviously things like blocking into your defense are gonna help you from preventing getting contact dunked on. when it comes to people trying to put you in the animations. so in a sense, strength does play a pretty good role in perimeter defense. and then on top of that we all know, the screen setting you have to have strength at least at 71 to get the gold brick wall. In conclusion, strength is important in the sense of being a potential screen setter and then on top of that it is a very valuable attribute rating to the perimeter defense, but it still belongs in the D Tier as far as this functionality goes. but for the sake of how cheap this is toward upgrading your player like every other physical is in the game as well. we suggest upgrading this no matter what your build is unless you're like a 6’3” point guard.
E Tier #1 Close Shot
The Close Shot is for standing layups, you can get away with 25 close shot, no matter what your build is, and everybody critiques this in the game because most builds as the demigod power forwards are no close shot, and no interior defense. So essentially the close shot is 100 avoidable, you can just flat out don't have to take shots like this, down low if you're wide open it's the easiest shot possible, and then a
contested one, why even take it up in the first place, and then even at that situation if you upgrade your standing dunk and have rise up, it doesn't even give you the threat of having to take the standing layup. it'll just be a staining dunk anytime anybody's not near you. But with that being said, it is comparable in the sense where it's still at least somewhat valuable to have. because it can bail you out in certain situations, where maybe it'd be a pretty bad shot otherwise, but since you have it, you can actually get bailed out by the close shot rating itself.
F Tier #1 Free Throw
Today, we're not talking about how the attribute rating affects badges in any way, so in some situations, obviously, you're going to want to upgrade free throw on your player. but we all know, free throws are pretty much useless attribute rating, unless you're talking about playing rec or pro-am, whatever it may be. and that's going to be pretty rare for the people who are reading this article. now if you're somebody who does play Pro-Am, obviously if you're a point guard, you have to have this upgraded, because if you are having 25 on free throw, whether you're running the point guard or not, the badges that it's going to affect. or just for the sake of you running Pro-Am and having 25 free throw it's going to be awful like you literally are going to be shooting about 20% to maybe 15% at best with the 25 free throw.
we're not having the attribute ratings in any way affected by the rank on this list by badges and how it's going to impact your badges.
F Tier #2 Post Control
This is a pretty irrelevant badge in all honesty when it comes to the power forward demigod builds and all if you got the three-pointer that should be able to hit like super contested threes, or if you got driving dunk/contact dunks all over the place, why sacrifice speed or other crucial ones to even make a post score in this game in the first place. and then even for the sake of like 3v3, if you want to make that discussion as well. post hooks, in general, are 100 useless, so the only thing that post hooks rating itself would be useful for or Post Control, in general, would be for 2v2.
[Berserker Axe]
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