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Steamed Oyster with White Wine
Steamed Oyster with White Wine
  • Binds Roster when obtained

  • The water resources of South Vern is clean and abound. And the regions near Punika are popular for their premium grapes, as the regions have the perfect climate to grow grapes. Consequently, the wine is popular in Vern.
    Interestingly, in South Vern, one of the major sources of wine, have a tendency to treat a glass of wine and a dish as just a dish. It is because wine is so abound in these regions.
    One popular example is Steamed Oyster with White Wine. People from these regions think that steamed oyster themselves are not a dish unless they are accompanied by white wine.

    Right-click to add to Adventurer's Tome.

  • Unsellable, Cannot be dismantled

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