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Elden Ring 1.08 Colosseum Arena Guide: Door Location, PvP Modes, Rewards, Ranks, Matchmaking & Gameplay Tips
12/8/2022 11:09:35 AM

Free Colosseum DLC featuring 3 new PvP modes rolled out in Elden Ring with the 1.08 update, here let's break down all details about the new Arenas covering the colosseum locations, PvP modes in each arena, rewards, and ranking and matchmaking system!

Elden Ring Colosseum PvP Arenas & Modes

The coliseums of Limgrave, Leyndell, and Caelid are opening their Gates allowing us to engage in arenas, such as duels,  free-for-alls, and team fights, just like a refined version of the Hollow Arena from previous games. It comes with the 1.08 update and follows the changes of PVP balancing from 1.07 patch, so that PVE and PVP are balanced separately which is something we've been asking for in the full series of the Souls forever and now we're finally seeing it in this way.  Now follow us to enter the Colosseums and battle with other heroes!

For ease of awareness, the three Colosseums are separated in quite notable ways with different PvP modes involoved into:

Leyndell Colosseum PvP Modes

  • Combat Formats: Duel

  • Number of Combatants: 2 Players

  • Spirit Ashes: Prohibited

The Colosseum in Leyndell is for 1v1 duels and duels only. In this Arena the only thing you can do is duels, Spirit summons are not allowed at all, you get 180 seconds to kill each other, healing flasks are not allowed but it does allow you to have some Mana flasks. 

Caelid Colosseum PvP Modes

  • Combat Formats: Duel / United Combat / Combat Ordeal

  • Number of Combatants: 2 / 4 / 6 Players

  • Spirit Ashes: Allowed

In this Caelid Arena, you have access to all of the PVP formats that we've talked about up to this point, but with one massive difference. This is the arena where Spirit summons are allowed in every single mode and that makes everything absolutely nuts in comparison. Nothing else changes the rest of the rules still apply but Spirit summons and PVP is just a hilarious concept and we can't wait to see how this shakes how does people get used to the concept of it.

Limgrave Colosseum PvP Modes

  • Combat Formats: United Combat / Combat Ordeal

  • Number of Combatants: 2 / 4 / 6 Players

  • Spirit Ashes: Prohibited

The Limgrave arena is for United Combat and Combat Ordereal which is a different type of battle entirely, in these formats Victory is not decided by a singular kill but is said by how many that you can achieve in a five minute timer. You can either do this in free-for-all with up to six players or split into teams with a maximum of 3v3. In this mode, you can use both healing and Mana flask but not a massive amount of them, Spirit summons are also prohibited here.

How To Active The Colosseum PvP Arenas in Elden Ring? 

The three Colosseums available for glorious combat to the death with an Elden Ring are the ones in Caelid, Limgrave and Leyndell which we could all see on the map prior to this. What's particularly interesting about this is that they don't have Sites of Grace added next to them, because they aren't necessary, at least not in the long term. Here are two ways to active the Colosseum Arenas: 

  • 1. To access the new modes, you'll need to physically go to each Coliseum and open their door, activating their options at each Arena you can then queue for that specific Arena and its specific modes. 

  • 2. Or you can return to the Round Table Hold here and find this new Statue of America by the fireplace to interact with this serves as all of them at once. 

How To Enter The Colosseum Arenas? 

When you interact with Colosseum modes, you should to setup the PvP modes to enter whichever mode you'd like. You can set your filters with the below options for queuing into the arenas:

Combat Format (PvP Modes): 

Duel (1v1)

In the 1v1 duels, you have three flasks for your FP restore but no heals or wondrous physics of any kind, when you die you lose, but if you kill the opponent you win. 

Combat Ordereal (Free-For-All)

United Combat (Team Based Combat in 2v2 or 3v3)

In the united combat or combat ordereal modes, we're talking elimination meaning when you die you will instead respawn after a period and your goal is to eliminate the opponents more than they eliminate you. In that mode you will have one flask per life including a wondrous physic and when you go down these will replenish.  The mode lasts 5 minutes in which you are trying to defeat the opponents as many times as you can, ultimately eliminating them more than they eliminate you. 

Spirit Ashes: Prohibited / Allowed

This can all happen in Caelid, if you choose to allow Spirit summons though where Caelid's Colosseum is everything all at once.  Like a Pokemon battle in the Souls game we can summon any Spirit we want to as long as we have the resources to do so. 

Number of Players (the number of people involved in, except Duel):

  • 2 Combattants

  • 4 Combattants

  • 6 Combattants

Venue (Arena Locations):

  • Any Location

  • Limgrave Colosseum (Limgrave Location)

  • Caelid Colosseum (Caelid Location)

  • Royal Colosseum (Leyndell Location)

You will find most of your 1v1s at the Royal Coliseum in the most strict rule set, but things are certainly lifted in Caelid where things are a bit silly and of course, you can summon. 

How Do Get To Each Colosseum Location in Elden Ring?

Fortunately, after you've actually visited Colosseums, they will now appear on your map with their own symbol. Now let's show you how you actually get to each Colosseum:

How To Get To Limgrave Colosseum in Elden Ring?

Limgrave is the easiest one to get to because it's quite literally at the North side of Limgrave - the nearest Grace being the War Master Shack, and you can follow the literal road to the front entrance and open the door.

ELDEN RING Colosseum Arena - Limgrave Colosseum Location

How To Get To Caelid Colosseum in Elden Ring?

To Caelid, you will need to follow a basic road the nearest Grace you can get from is the Deep Siofa Well, from here it is a very simple path where you follow through the Ravine and make your way behind the Giant Pot and open the doors. That's very simple but it will require you to have made it to this area first because the valley here doesn't let you just progress it or drop down from above without dying that means you must enter via the Deep Siofa Well, the entrance to that is here on the east side of Limgrave as always and if we look on the Underground, you simply need to make your way across the underground area all the way to the lift on the other side which will bring you up exactly here where you need to be. 

ELDEN RING Colosseum Arena - Caelid Location

How To Get To Royal (Leyndell) Colosseum in Elden Ring?

To Leyndell location, there are two routes you can take. Firstly you can go from the Earth Tree Sanctuary and follow behind where the lift is and make a leap right here from this Balcony to the other Balcony, and then just cross over and it's not overly hard to do that but if you miss or you're struggling to do it it could be very annoying to do that, thankfully it's not the only way. You can also just go from the main grace Leyndell, Capital of Ash, from here you're going to need to get onto the wall which as before requires the dragon and its wing, so just run over to that here, as before you can just climb up onto this sort of limb here and climb up on top of that, from up here we can jump down and climb up this ladder, at this point we are now on the wall and we can just follow it around all the way until we reach the Royal Coliseum.

ELDEN RING Colosseum Arena - Royal (Leyndell) Colosseum Location

Elden Ring Colosseum Rewards

Regrettably, players are not given any awards for their achievements after a fight, whether it was a team-based or free-for-all battle; instead, they are simply allowed to leave the Colosseum and chose another opponent. Therefore, the only reward for your Elden Ring PVP builds is the pleasure of victory.

Elden Ring Colosseum Ranking System

Also Colosseum does not currently have a rating system, however it is anticipated that ranks will be added very soon. 

Elden Ring Colosseum Arena Matchmaking & Level Scaling System

This new PvP mode has plenty to offer everyone, and the greatest part is that you can play with your friends. Additionally, you will be matched with other random people online when you are not playing with (or against) friends. But is there a system behind this Colosseum matchmaking, or is it all random? And while we cannot confirm it, the Colosseum matchmaking system is probably certainly in place. Character and item upgrade levels are used to determine matchmaking in the game's other two multiplayer modes, invasions and duels. We can therefore assume with confidence that FromSoftware will employ the same system for the arenas.

More Tips for Colosseum PvP Gameplay

  • Some Spirit summons, in general, would be free to use in the Caelid arena allowing you to use the strongest at no cost no matter what build you have, as it turns out that is not the case you'll need to have enough FP to actually summon the spirit.

  • You can still use powerful summons that cost health instead of FP like the mimic tear, but even with the mimic tear which is undeniably strong even in PvP to summon it you're putting yourself at half health or less and there aren't heals in a lot of these modes so that's definitely a dangerous thing to do.

  • In the free for all team matches, you will need to watch out for respawning players because when they do they'll do a sort of low-damaging AOE around them to give them some ability to get back into the fight without being instantly destroyed which is important.

  • In Team battles how do you tell who your randomly assigned teammates actually are as it turns out the way to tell is to look at their health bars, there are two teams and they're shown by a symbol that looks dangerously similar to one another, basically you need to work out if you're on the light team or the dark team, the symbol is this stone that is kind of a light yellow for one team and a darker gray for the other team.
